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Martin Bernal’s Black Athena(1987~) which is on the origin of Mycenaean civilization, has been providing a momentum for calling attention to the Eurocentrism in the Western historiography. We must notice that he shows not only in the light of the sociology of knowledge but also through the actual proofs that the orthodox of point of view on the Mycenaean Greece is permeated with Eurocentrism. He uses archaeology, linguistics, etc. in order to assert his opinion, but his starting method is a literary approach, which is a typical method of historians. For him Greek mythology is not an interesting and instructive fiction but historical source. In fact ancient Greeks regards Greek mythology as ‘the history before the Dorian invasion’(see Diodorus 4.1.1-3, Strabo 7.7.1), which took place around 1100 BC. If Greek mythology is accepted as historical source, Mycenaean Greece must be studied in relation with Egypt, Phoenicia, the Hittites in the eastern Mediterranean, for the Mycenaean Greece which Greek mythology relates has close relations with these regions, as in the myths of Danaus and Kadmus. The Study on the Relationship between Civilizations has something suggestive as one of the studies to overcome Eurocentrism. The recent researches of Egyptology (including the study of Hyksos), Semitology and Hittitology, which are the studies on the regions around the Mycenaean Greece, provides the materials with which the Mycenaean Greece can be studied in relations with those regions, not in the level of isolations, and become the seismic center to demolish the Eurocentrism gradually.