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The French Communist Party, which appeared as an influential party after 1945, led anti-Indochina War propaganda and supported the independence of Vietnam. At least until 1950, only Communist Party and a few organizations influenced or governed by it had objected to the Vietnam War in active and constant ways. After having been flustered between power which it had once adhered to war which seemed to be unfair and needless, French Communists and its followers had strengthened anti-‘dirty-war’ movement in various ways from May, 1947 to the end of the war in Vietnam. Ultimately, among the national parties during the Indochina War, only Communists cherished anti-colonialism on the core of its claims and activities. With the proposition of coalition between the National Liberation Campaign in Vietnam and Revolutionary Party in France, Communist, as a threatening party to colonial power, led a mass movement, heightened the critical consciousness of the French people who had been opposed to the war, and acted as a political power that collapsed French politicians’ conservative politics. Studies and surveys show that the Forth Republic resisted ‘popular war’ led by Ho Chi Minh and his colleagues with ‘unpopular war’. Although it was not French Communists itself that created increasing opposition against war and indifference of people, the influence of their activities and propaganda on bringing out that situation was not negligible. (Yonsei University / liwdavid@hotmail.com)

The French Communist Party, which appeared as an influential party after 1945, led anti-Indochina War propaganda and supported the independence of Vietnam. At least until 1950, only Communist Party and a few organizations influenced or governed by it had objected to the Vietnam War in active and constant ways. After having been flustered between power which it had once adhered to war which seemed to be unfair and needless, French Communists and its followers had strengthened anti-‘dirty-war’ movement in various ways from May, 1947 to the end of the war in Vietnam. Ultimately, among the national parties during the Indochina War, only Communists cherished anti-colonialism on the core of its claims and activities. With the proposition of coalition between the National Liberation Campaign in Vietnam and Revolutionary Party in France, Communist, as a threatening party to colonial power, led a mass movement, heightened the critical consciousness of the French people who had been opposed to the war, and acted as a political power that collapsed French politicians’ conservative politics. Studies and surveys show that the Forth Republic resisted ‘popular war’ led by Ho Chi Minh and his colleagues with ‘unpopular war’. Although it was not French Communists itself that created increasing opposition against war and indifference of people, the influence of their activities and propaganda on bringing out that situation was not negligible. (Yonsei University / liwdavid@hotmail.com)