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68 movement which established today’s western society marked its 40th anniversary last year. There are a lot of heated controversies over its estimations in Western Europe and America. 68 movement was too huge a movement to estimate conclusively its process and effects to Europe and Western society. It was a small but great movement that tried to deconstruct, reorganize, and reverse the ‘modernity’ established by human beings such as the belief for human reason, the blind faith for mechanical view of the world, and the myth of material civilization. It was a serious and cheerful revolution against existing order, authority, and alienation, changing the excluded problems like environment, human rights, feminism into serious issues of mankind. Although 68 movement was not succeeded systematically, it is estimated to have led to reconstruction of consciousness. It had brought the consciousness that focused on the importance of the alternative to general contradiction of human being as well as that to existing economic alternatives. It was a movement for the restoration of human identity that could be achieved by the serious reflection on human being ruined by convenience of mechanical civilization. Many French scholars estimate that 68 movement was failed because it did not take power. However, the story of 68 movement that intended to give power to imagination and to build new society through new ideas may not be over yet. 68 movement is considered as an eternal revolution in that it shows not only the enthusiasm of that age but also the direction of the following social movements of the world, therefore its success or failure and its meaning should be evaluated from this point of view. 68 movement is still going on in the imagination of modern people for their better life.

68 movement which established today’s western society marked its 40th anniversary last year. There are a lot of heated controversies over its estimations in Western Europe and America. 68 movement was too huge a movement to estimate conclusively its process and effects to Europe and Western society. It was a small but great movement that tried to deconstruct, reorganize, and reverse the ‘modernity’ established by human beings such as the belief for human reason, the blind faith for mechanical view of the world, and the myth of material civilization. It was a serious and cheerful revolution against existing order, authority, and alienation, changing the excluded problems like environment, human rights, feminism into serious issues of mankind. Although 68 movement was not succeeded systematically, it is estimated to have led to reconstruction of consciousness. It had brought the consciousness that focused on the importance of the alternative to general contradiction of human being as well as that to existing economic alternatives. It was a movement for the restoration of human identity that could be achieved by the serious reflection on human being ruined by convenience of mechanical civilization. Many French scholars estimate that 68 movement was failed because it did not take power. However, the story of 68 movement that intended to give power to imagination and to build new society through new ideas may not be over yet. 68 movement is considered as an eternal revolution in that it shows not only the enthusiasm of that age but also the direction of the following social movements of the world, therefore its success or failure and its meaning should be evaluated from this point of view. 68 movement is still going on in the imagination of modern people for their better life.