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노동 현장에서 노동요의 전승이 단절된 지는 오래다. 노동요의 전승이 교육을 통해서 이루어질 수밖에 없는 이유다. 노동요의 전승이 자연적인 조건에서 이루어지지 않는 현실을 감안한다면 일반인을 상대로 민요의 전승을 위한 교육을 하려면 사설의 표준화는 절대적으로 필요하다. 민요의 요종명을 통일하자는 주장은 있었지만 사설을 표준화하자는 논의는 거의 전무하다. 주지하듯이 구비문학인 민요의 사설은 기록문학과는 달리 요종별 사설이 특정인이 창작한 게 아닌 공동작이다. 특정한 사설만을 대표적인 사설로 선정하거나 확정하기가 쉽지 않은 이유다. 이 글은 민요의 전승과 교육을 위해 사설을 표준화하는 방안을 <해녀노젓는소리> 사설을 중심으로 모색해 보았다. <해녀노젓는소리>의 가창기연인 노(櫓) 젓는 노동은 동력선의 등장으로 소멸되었고 현장에서의 전승도 단절되었다. 이러한 현실에서 <해녀노젓는소리> 사설의 표준화는 가창 교육을 위한 기본 자료뿐만 아니라 사설 교육을 위한 표준 자료로 활용하기 위해서도 필요한 작업이다. 기존 자료집에 수록된 <해녀노젓는소리> 사설 중에는 사설을 오기하거나 어석의 오류를 범한 경우가 있다. 제주도와 본토에서 채록된 사설 가운데 보편적이고 일반적인 사설들을 선택하고 사설의 오기와 어석의 오류를 바로잡은 다음에 가창기연(歌唱機緣)을 중심으로 사설을 분류하고 표준화해야 하는 이유가 여기에 있다.

Work songs have long been disappeared at workplace. The transmission of folk songs now depends on education. Given that the transmission of work songs cannot be done naturally, standardization of lyric words is essential to teaching general people folk songs. There were some efforts to unify a classified of song types but none to standardize lyric words. As we already know, lyric words of folk songs, which are oral literature, not documentary literature, created by a group of people rather than an individual. This explains why it is difficult to select or decide specific lyric words as representative works. This study explores how to standardize lyric words for the transmission and education of folk songs based on <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs>. The act of rowing, which is the chance to sing <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs>, has long been disappeared at the workplace, and the transmission of the song has failed as well. Under these circumstances the standardization of <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs> provides standard data for the education of lyrics words as well as basic data for the education of singing the songs. <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs> recorded in the previous data has errors in writing and translating the lyric words. This is why we need to select general lyric words from those recorded in Jeju Island and the mainland, correct the errors in writing and translating the words, and classify/standardize the words based on the chance to sing (the act of rowing).

Work songs have long been disappeared at workplace. The transmission of folk songs now depends on education. Given that the transmission of work songs cannot be done naturally, standardization of lyric words is essential to teaching general people folk songs. There were some efforts to unify a classified of song types but none to standardize lyric words. As we already know, lyric words of folk songs, which are oral literature, not documentary literature, created by a group of people rather than an individual. This explains why it is difficult to select or decide specific lyric words as representative works. This study explores how to standardize lyric words for the transmission and education of folk songs based on <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs>. The act of rowing, which is the chance to sing <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs>, has long been disappeared at the workplace, and the transmission of the song has failed as well. Under these circumstances the standardization of <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs> provides standard data for the education of lyrics words as well as basic data for the education of singing the songs. <Woman Divers’ Rowing Songs> recorded in the previous data has errors in writing and translating the lyric words. This is why we need to select general lyric words from those recorded in Jeju Island and the mainland, correct the errors in writing and translating the words, and classify/standardize the words based on the chance to sing (the act of rowing).