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The social number has been used as a basic data to identify all the people in the public sector, and the private sector. The protection social number does not mean protection from illegal use or abuse, but social number itself in the public sector or private sector to collect and delete. Therefore, the social number could not be protected effectively and systematically until the law makes principle of collecting them for what purpose clearly and specifically. To control the illegal use or misuse of the collected social numbers is not point. And G-PIN or I-PIN, one of the alternatives of social number to prevent the leaking private date on the web, should be considered whether they can be fundamental alternative, due to still risk of leaking private data. The plan of improving the current social number system is, the first, to improve the system of social numbers. It is proper that agency gives a personal identification number(ID number) with current social number(control number)still, when it issues a social number card, in order to minimize the social disruption according to its reform and improve it into cost-effective system. Second, they should establish guideline for the collecting and using social number in private sector. Because, the damage caused by collecting and using social number is larger and more threatening than that in public sector. Companies strongly tend to move to get the interests of the market. The business and information technology relevant to social number pursue interests definitely, rather than considering the personal rights or personality. Thus, legal ground is required to collect and use social number in private sector. Third, the government should allow to collect them according to laws through enacting integrated law for protection of personal information and revising current Protection Act of Personal Information, and force to implement alternative means instead of social number and coding measures.