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본 연구에서는 콜버그 학파의 이론에 대한 비판에서 출발한 사회인지적 영역이론의 기본 아이디어를 개관해 보고, 이에 근거한 교육적 실천의 전략으로써 영역에 적합한 도덕과 교수학습 자료를 개발하는데 초점을 두었다. 이를 위해 사회인지적 영역이론에서 주장하는 영역적 발달 특성에 맞춰 도덕과 교수학습 자료 개발의 준거를 설정하였고, 이에 따라 도덕적 영역, 사회인습적 영역, 도덕과 사회인습이 혼합된 영역 등 3가지 영역별로 각각 3가지씩 수업 자료를 개발하여 예시하였다. 특히 본 논문에서는 영역에 적합한 도덕과 교수학습 자료는 도덕수업과 관련된 교과의 내용 혹은 일상적인 경험에서 영역별 특성이 잘 나타난 내용을 발굴, 재구성하여 직접 제시하고, 학생들의 발달 수준과도 부합되어야 함을 강조했다.

This paper examined the core ideas of the social cognitive domain theory and the limits of Kohlbergian views in view of it. It was also developed the moral teaching-learning materials pertain to each moral, social conventional and mixed issues based on the domain distinction criteria. According to the domain theory, young children apply moral criteria to familiar moral issues and distinguish them from conventional, personal, and prudential issues in their judgments and justification. Moral issues are treated as categorical, and universalizable. Whereas morality deals with issues inherent in interpersonal relations, social conventions such as modes of dress, forms of address, sex roles, manners are the arbitrary and agreed-upon uniformities in social behavior determined by social system in which they are formed. The basic principles of domain appropriate moral teaching are as follows; Firstly, moral instruction be coordinated with domain of the issues addressed in a given lesson. Secondly, the activities and questions posed to students be appropriate for their developmental level. A related function of the teacher would be to focus student activity(verbal and written) on the underlying features concordant with the domain of the issue.

This paper examined the core ideas of the social cognitive domain theory and the limits of Kohlbergian views in view of it. It was also developed the moral teaching-learning materials pertain to each moral, social conventional and mixed issues based on the domain distinction criteria. According to the domain theory, young children apply moral criteria to familiar moral issues and distinguish them from conventional, personal, and prudential issues in their judgments and justification. Moral issues are treated as categorical, and universalizable. Whereas morality deals with issues inherent in interpersonal relations, social conventions such as modes of dress, forms of address, sex roles, manners are the arbitrary and agreed-upon uniformities in social behavior determined by social system in which they are formed. The basic principles of domain appropriate moral teaching are as follows; Firstly, moral instruction be coordinated with domain of the issues addressed in a given lesson. Secondly, the activities and questions posed to students be appropriate for their developmental level. A related function of the teacher would be to focus student activity(verbal and written) on the underlying features concordant with the domain of the issue.