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“교육문제는 정치논리나 경제논리가 아니라 교육논리로 풀어야 한다”는 주장이 종종 제기되어 왔지만, 이 세 가지 논리의 특징이 무엇인지는 별로 탐구된 적이 없었다. 이 연구는 이 세 가지 논리의 특징을 탐구하고 있다. 정치논리는 한편으로는 민주적 가치와 원리를 실현하며, 다른 한편으로는 권력의 획득과 유지를 위해 변전하는 대중들의 여론에 의존함을 그 특징으로 한다. 경제논리는 효율성을 극대화하기 위해 자율적 선택과 자유로운 경쟁을 선호함을 그 특징으로 한다. 교육논리는 사회적 가치를 존중하되, 궁극적으로 학습자의 성장에 기여함을 그 특징으로 한다. 교육에 관한 주장이나 논설이 학습자의 성장에 기여함을 객관적으로 드러낼 수 있을 때 여기에 교육논리가 작동하고 있는 셈이다. 삶의 여러 영역에 대한 논리들이 이데올로기로부터 자유롭지 않는 한, 학습자의 성장이라는 교육논리도 예외일 수 없다. 교육논리의 객관적 근거로 보수적 이데올로기를 대표하는 학업성취뿐만 아니라 진보적 이데올로기를 대표하는 도덕적, 인성적 특성들도 인정받고, 이에 대한 연구들도 이루어져야 한다.

This study explores the characteristics of the logic of education compared with those of the logic of politics and the logic of economy. The logic of politics needs to be divided into the following two aspects. In the formal aspect, it may be summarized as the logic of democracy pursuing the respect of human rights, liberty, equality and the due process. In the substantial aspect, it may be summarized as the logic of hypocrisy which is necessarily required for the hold of power, the agreement of people and the control of system. The logic of economy can be summarized as the logic of market because the target of this study is the capitalistic economy. It may be characterized as follows: (ⅰ) the autonomy of choice which presupposes Homo economicus and free market, (ⅱ) the pursuit of efficiency which means achieving a maximum of benefit at a minimum of expense. The logic of education may be summarized as the logic of growth because every educational activity focuses on the growth of learners. The criteria of the growth of learners have to include both academic achievements representative of conservative ideology and moral or personality traits representative of progressive ideology in education. Because every logic of the realms of life cannot be free from ideology and some kinds of conservative vs. progressive ideology still conflict with each other in education or schooling. The assertions of education or the pros and cons of a certain educational policy have to be founded on some objective evidences or grounds of these criteria of the growth of learners.

This study explores the characteristics of the logic of education compared with those of the logic of politics and the logic of economy. The logic of politics needs to be divided into the following two aspects. In the formal aspect, it may be summarized as the logic of democracy pursuing the respect of human rights, liberty, equality and the due process. In the substantial aspect, it may be summarized as the logic of hypocrisy which is necessarily required for the hold of power, the agreement of people and the control of system. The logic of economy can be summarized as the logic of market because the target of this study is the capitalistic economy. It may be characterized as follows: (ⅰ) the autonomy of choice which presupposes Homo economicus and free market, (ⅱ) the pursuit of efficiency which means achieving a maximum of benefit at a minimum of expense. The logic of education may be summarized as the logic of growth because every educational activity focuses on the growth of learners. The criteria of the growth of learners have to include both academic achievements representative of conservative ideology and moral or personality traits representative of progressive ideology in education. Because every logic of the realms of life cannot be free from ideology and some kinds of conservative vs. progressive ideology still conflict with each other in education or schooling. The assertions of education or the pros and cons of a certain educational policy have to be founded on some objective evidences or grounds of these criteria of the growth of learners.