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이 연구의 목적은 예술계고등학교 전문교과 교육을 위한 전문무용역량(SDC: Specialized Dance Competency)을 도출하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 전문무용역량의 대범주 도출, 전문무용역량의 하위요소 구조화, 전문무용역량과 2015개정 교육과정 총론 핵심역량과의 연관성을 알아보았다. 전문무용역량은 전문무용의 특성과 교육현장의 특수성을 고려한 델파이 조사를 수행하였다. 연구결과전문무용역량의 대범주는 무용인성 역량, 무용기능수행 역량, 무용지식확장 역량, 무용창의 역량, 무용실전수행 역량, 무용진로개발 역량이 도출되었다. 전문무용역량 대범주별 하위요소는 다음과같다. 무용인성 역량에는 ‘무용사랑’, ‘경쟁과 성장’, ‘예절과 배려’가, 무용기능수행 역량에는 ‘전공실기능력’, ‘기초실기능력’, ‘신체관리능력’, ‘음악해석능력’, ‘표현능력’이, 무용지식확장 역량에는 ‘지식활용능력’, ‘통합이해능력’이, 무용창의 역량에는 ‘무용사고력’, ‘실험시도능력’, ‘문제해결능력’, ‘상징화능력’이, 무용실전수행 역량에는 ‘무대적응능력’, ‘관객소통능력’, ‘심리조절능력’이, 무용진로개발 역량에는 ‘가치관형성능력’, ‘무용흐름이해력’, ‘진로설계능력’ 등으로 구조화되었다. 본 연구에서 제시된 전문무용역량은 전문무용 교육과정의 고유한 개념을 제시하여 전문무용인의 삶으로 안내하는 무용교육의 바탕을 마련하고자 하였다.
The purpose of this study is to seek measures to improve the SDC(Specialized Dance Competency) for arts high school in Korea. For the purpose, this study researched the SDC, elements and the relationship with core competency as the national curriculum 2015 revised. Delphi technique was adopted considering characteristic of specialized dance and the specificity of education fields. SDC was categorized into six: dance morality, dance functional performance, dance knowledge extension, dance creativity, actual dance performance, and dance career development. The details of SDC elements are as follows. Dance morality: love for dance, competition and development, courtesy and consideration. Dance functional performance: major performance abilities, basic performance abilities, body management, musical interpretation skills, and expressivity. Dance knowledge extension: knowledge utilizing, integrate understandings. Dance creativity: thinking abilities for dance, experimental attempt, problem solving skills, and symbolization ability. Actual dance performance: regulation of mentality, stage adaptability, communication with audience. Dance career development: forming sense of value, understanding of dance tendency, and planning career. And SDC is proven to have close relationship with core competency as a whole. The characteristic concept of competency was reflected in the concept of SDC presented in the study. Moreover, the SDC can lead learners to the way of life in specialized dance education.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
specialized dance competency, arts high school, dance education