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자립생활은 장애인의 자립과 선택을 보장하기 위한 것으로, 장애인 스스로 어디에서 살지를 결정한다는 점에서 탈시설화와 맥을 같이 한다. 장애가족이나 생활시설에 대한 의존에서 벗어난 자기 주체적인 삶을 살려고 하는 장애인에게 자립생활 체험홈은 비장애인들의 일상적인 경험들을 체험하고 배울 수 있는 곳을 제공해준다. 체험홈은 자립생활을 원하는 중증장애인이 지역사회에서의 자립생활을 실제로 체험할 수 있도록 그들에게 일정 기간 지역사회 내의 주거공간을 제공하는 서비스이며, 중증장애인에게 자립생활 기술훈련을 제공한다. 이 연구는 장애인의 자립과 관련하여 자립생활 체험홈에서 장애인이 경험한 것은 무엇이며, 그로 인해 장애인에게 어떤 변화가 일어났는지를 연구한다. 이를 통해 체험홈이 제공하는 자립지원의 본질을 파악하고자 한다. 총 8개의 체험홈이 연구장소로 선정되었으며, 체험홈 이전 거주자와 현 거주자, 체험홈 담당운영자와의 면담, 그들에 대한 관찰이 이루어졌다. 현재 체험홈에는 평균 2명이 거주하고 있는데, 일반인의 그것과 동일한 거주 환경과 장애인이 자립생활을 경험하기에 충분한 시간과 공간을 제공하고 있었다. 자립생활을 준비하는 장애인에게 체험홈은 생활시설 또는 지역사회 내 의존에서 자립으로 이행하는 데 필요한 다리 역할을 수행하고 있었다. 체험홈에서의 경험은 장애인들이 자신이 삶의 주체임을 인식하고, 자신의 자율적인 삶에 대해 책임감을 갖도록 변화시켰다. 또한 타인들과 관계맺기를 시험하고 타인과 어울려 살아가는 방법을 배우는 기회를 장애인들에게 제공했다. 체험홈에서의 일상생활은 타인의 지원에 힘입어 장애인의 자립이 재창조되는 계기가 되었으며, 장애인이 고기를 잡는 방법을 배우며 세상에 나갈 준비를 하는 경험이었다. 장애인 자립지원의 본질을 구성하는 것은 체험홈의 물리적/제도적 지지환경을 토대로 자립의 실험적이고 실제적인 체험, 보이지 않는 그러나 적극적인 지지자로서의 직원들, 장애인 주체성의 실험과 강화였다. 이 논문은 마지막으로 자립생활 체험홈의 발전을 위해서는 정부의 예산 지원이 필요함을 제안한다.

It is very important for people with disabilities to learn skills for activities of daily living as they move from residential care to more independent living situations in the community. Transitional housing programs provide people with opportunities to experience independent living and learn independent living skills. This study used a qualitative case study approach to explore transitional housing programs. The investigation focused on the experiences of the service users. The research sites included eight transitional houses. Data sources consisted of observations, interviews with service users and staff, as well as documents regarding the operation of the programs. There was an average of two persons living in each of the transitional houses. The environment of these programs was very similar to that of individual dwellings in the community. People with disabilities found that the programs offered them enough space, and that they were able to stay at the programs long enough to develop a true sense of the independent living experience. The programs helped to bridge the transition from dependence to independence. While people with disabilities were living in the transitional houses, they strengthened their confidence about their capacity for independent living, had more responsibility and autonomy, and made good interpersonal relationships. Their experiences living in the transitional houses helped them to decide to choose independent living situations in the future. This study underscores the importance of governmental support for the residential rights of people with disabilities, and suggests the need for the residential rights of people with disabilities, and suggests the need for changes in attitudes about independence among people with disabilities.

It is very important for people with disabilities to learn skills for activities of daily living as they move from residential care to more independent living situations in the community. Transitional housing programs provide people with opportunities to experience independent living and learn independent living skills. This study used a qualitative case study approach to explore transitional housing programs. The investigation focused on the experiences of the service users. The research sites included eight transitional houses. Data sources consisted of observations, interviews with service users and staff, as well as documents regarding the operation of the programs. There was an average of two persons living in each of the transitional houses. The environment of these programs was very similar to that of individual dwellings in the community. People with disabilities found that the programs offered them enough space, and that they were able to stay at the programs long enough to develop a true sense of the independent living experience. The programs helped to bridge the transition from dependence to independence. While people with disabilities were living in the transitional houses, they strengthened their confidence about their capacity for independent living, had more responsibility and autonomy, and made good interpersonal relationships. Their experiences living in the transitional houses helped them to decide to choose independent living situations in the future. This study underscores the importance of governmental support for the residential rights of people with disabilities, and suggests the need for the residential rights of people with disabilities, and suggests the need for changes in attitudes about independence among people with disabilities.