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본 연구는 간질장애인의 삶의 질에 대한 본질적인 의미를 심층적으로 파악하기 위한 목적으로 실시되었다. 6명의 연구 참여자에게 반구조화된 질문을 통한 심층면접 후 지오르기 분석방법을 이용하여 19개의 의미있는 진술과 8개의 중심의미를 추출하였다. 그 중심의미는 “내 삶에서 생각지도 못한 장애임”, “모든 삶에서 나를 나락으로 끌어내림”, “몸이 찢겨지고 고통스러움”, “발작후의 혼란스러움”, “발작에 대한 불안함으로 항상 편치않음”, “삶의질을 생각할 수 없음”, “가족의 날개그늘아래 있음”, “보다 나은 삶의질을 위해 노력해봄”이었다. 본 연구는 간질장애인의 관점에서 삶의 질에 대한 의미를 탐색하고 사회복지적 개입방향을 논의한 연구로써 그 의의를 가진다.

The study aims to understand the epileptics' quality of life through exploring the process of essential meaning on quality of life that the epileptics experience. The six participants in the study, with three or four degree of epileptic disability, have enough ability to communicate and express their lifeThe study is based on the Giorgi method which actively describes the quality of life in the perspective of epileptics. six epilepsy disabled person were chosen by 'snowballling sampling' and intentional sampling and interviewed with semi-structured questions from march, 2009 to december, 2013. the result was derived ninteen themes and eight focal meaning; 'unexpeced disablity in my life' 'entangled me in all life' 'sense of the body torn and suffering' "confusion after the seizure' 'not always confortable with the anxiety about seizures' 'can not think of the quality of life' 'in the shade of the wings of the family' 'trying to strive for a better quality of life' based on above results, policy and pratice implication are discussed for the epileptics' life. It seems that this paper is able to be used as a framework to establish the quality of life of epilepsy disabled person.