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본 연구는 향후 한국채택국제회계기준이 적용될 경우 공정가치 평가대상이 되는 비화폐성자산 중 규모가 크고 공정가치의 대용치를 수집하는데 어려움이 상대적으로 적은 토지를 대상으로 하여, 공정가치와 장부금액의 차이가 주가관련성에 추가적인 설명력을 제공하는지 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 토지의 공정가치 대용치는 주석으로 기재하는 공시지가를 이용하였으며, Ohlson 모형을 기본으로 하는 주가수준모형(level model)과 주가변동모형(change model)을 모두 이용하여 토지의 공시지가가 주가에 추가적인 설명력을 제공하는지 확인하였다. Level model을 이용한 회귀분석 결과 주당 토지의 장부금액과 주가 간에 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계가 존재하지만, 주당 토지의 공시지가와 장부금액의 차이는 주가와 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계가 존재하지 않았다. 또한 change model을 이용한 회귀분석 결과에서도 주당 토지의 장부금액 변동은 주가변동과 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계가 존재하지만 주당 토지의 공시지가와 장부금액 차이 변동은 주가변동과 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계가 존재하지 않았다. 이러한 분석결과에 대하여 토지의 공정가치 정보가 자본시장에서 유용하지 않은 정보라고 해석하기 보다는 현재 주석으로 공시되는 토지의 공정가치 정보가 이미 주가에 상당부분 반영되어 있다고 해석하는 것이 타당하다. 따라서 향후 한국채택국제회계기준이 도입되어 공정가치로 토지를 평가하더라도 주가에 미치는 영향은 크지 않을 것으로 예상된다. 그러나 국제회계기준에서는 토지 이외의 유형자산, 무형자산 및 투자부동산에 대해서도 공정가치 평가를 허용하기 때문에 국제회계기준에 따라 비화폐성자산 전반에 걸쳐 공정가치 평가를 할 경우에는 주가에 미치는 영향이 중요할 수도 있을 것이다.

Under International Financial Reporting Standards being adopted by Korean listed companies from 2011, the companies may account for the fair value on the property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investments as well as financial instruments. This study provides evidence about whether fair value of land can provide the explanatory power for stock prices beyond that provided by book value of land. I limit the scope of the study to land because the fair value of land can be collected from the footnotes of the financial statements but the fair value of other assets except for land are not be disclosed. My test model is based on the Ohlson(1995) model, and the evidence of my test allows stronger inferences to be made about fair value model by using change model as well as level model. I find that the valuation coefficients on book value of land are significant, whereas the valuation coefficients on the fair value-book value difference of land are not significant for the two models. The insignificance of the fair value-book value difference of land is not changed after dividing total samples into two subsamples based on the median of book value of land, substituting net income per share with operating income per share, and substituting the year-end stock prices with the first quarter stock prices. This results indicate that the current stock prices have already include the fair value information of land even though this information is disclosed on foot notes. I conclude that while the effects of fair value of land may not be significant on the stock prices, the comprehensive effect of fair value accounting of IFRS can change the stock prices when all nonmonetary assets are accounted for the fair value model under the IFRS.

Under International Financial Reporting Standards being adopted by Korean listed companies from 2011, the companies may account for the fair value on the property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investments as well as financial instruments. This study provides evidence about whether fair value of land can provide the explanatory power for stock prices beyond that provided by book value of land. I limit the scope of the study to land because the fair value of land can be collected from the footnotes of the financial statements but the fair value of other assets except for land are not be disclosed. My test model is based on the Ohlson(1995) model, and the evidence of my test allows stronger inferences to be made about fair value model by using change model as well as level model. I find that the valuation coefficients on book value of land are significant, whereas the valuation coefficients on the fair value-book value difference of land are not significant for the two models. The insignificance of the fair value-book value difference of land is not changed after dividing total samples into two subsamples based on the median of book value of land, substituting net income per share with operating income per share, and substituting the year-end stock prices with the first quarter stock prices. This results indicate that the current stock prices have already include the fair value information of land even though this information is disclosed on foot notes. I conclude that while the effects of fair value of land may not be significant on the stock prices, the comprehensive effect of fair value accounting of IFRS can change the stock prices when all nonmonetary assets are accounted for the fair value model under the IFRS.