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국제회계기준(IFRS)이 우리나라 상장기업에 2011년부터 의무적으로 적용됨에 따라 법인세회계 실무에도 중대한 변화가 초래됐다. 법인세회계에서 기초자료로 사용되는 회계기준이 국제회계기준으로 바뀜에 따라 세무회계분야 연구방향에도 큰 변화가 생겼다. 본 연구는 지금까지 한국 및 미국의 재무회계와 세무회계 관련 연구흐름과 국제회계기준 도입이 세무회계 관련 분야의 연구방향에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 새로운 연구과제를 제시하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 본 연구는 국제회계기준 도입에 따른 법인세회계의 영향을 검토하고 관련 제도와 실증연구를 분석함에 있어서 문헌적 연구방법을 위주로 진행한다. 국제회계기준의 핵심인 공정가치회계는 기업회계와 법인세회계의 차이를 확대시키는 효과가 있기 때문에 이를 합리적으로 조정하기 위한 연구의 필요성이 높아졌다. 국제회계기준 도입에 따른 세무조정의 마찰을 줄이기 위해 2010년 세법개정안에는 후입선출법 및 정률법 적용 중단에 따른 세금부담 증가를 해소하는 특례를 비롯한 다양한 해결방안을 마련했다. 2011년과 그 이후에도 필요에 따른 세법개정은 계속되고 있다. 국제회계기준은 공정가치 기준의 재평가를 광범위하게 인정하기 때문에 기업회계와 법인세회계의 차이가 확대되기 마련이다. 따라서 세무조정 부담을 줄이고 법인세 기간배분회계를 원활하게 운영하는데 도움이 될 수 있도록 기업회계와 법인세회계 이원화 방안에 대한 연구를 강화해야 한다. 아울러 법인세 기간배분회계가 더욱 복잡해짐에 따라 손익 및 재무상태에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 연구도 수행돼야 한다. 국제회계기준이 회계상 법인세비용 및 유효법인세율 계산에 미치는 영향과 국제회계기준과 세법, 상법, 증권거래법 등의 조화에 대한 연구도 강화돼야 한다. 경제의 글로벌화가 가속화됨에 따라 국제회계기준과 연관성이 깊은 이전가격세제 등 국제조세 문제와 FTA 운영에 있어 원산지 증명 관련 사항에 대한 연구도 심도 있게 수행돼야 할 것이다.

The adoption of IFRS was made mandatory for all listed companies in Korea effective from 2011, and this adoption has created a paradigm shift in corporate tax accounting. As the accounting rules used for book keeping of income tax accounting were replaced by IFRS, a change in research trend for tax accounting related research is anticipated. This article seeks to review financial accounting- and tax accounting-related research trends in Korea and the US. Further, the effects of adopting IFRS on research trends, along with suggestion for future research will be provided. Fair value accounting, the core of IFRS, is likely to increase the gap between the financial accounting and tax accounting, which calls for further research on adjustment of the gap. In 2010, in order to minimize any conflict that may arise from the adoption of IFRS, various measures, such as discontinuance of LIFO and accelerated depreciation have been implemented. Such tax reform measures should be undertaken whenever necessary in the future. Because of the nature of IFRS, the gap between financial accounting and tax accounting tends to widen. Thus, research should be conducted to seek ways to minimize tax burden, and effectively operate income tax allocation with the use of two-book system for financial accounting and tax accounting. Further, any income tax allocation problem arising from the adoption of IFRS, as well as a remedy for the problem should be dealt with. The effects of implementing IFRS on the calculation of income tax expense and effective corporate tax rate, and ways to create a smooth alignment between IFRS and relevant laws and regulations such as tax law, business law, and stock exchange law should be studied in depth. As globalization of economy gets accelerated, other issues related to IFRS, such as transfer pricing taxation and international taxation should be actively researched. Furthermore, for the implementation of FTA, issues related to certificate of origin should be addressed in further research.

The adoption of IFRS was made mandatory for all listed companies in Korea effective from 2011, and this adoption has created a paradigm shift in corporate tax accounting. As the accounting rules used for book keeping of income tax accounting were replaced by IFRS, a change in research trend for tax accounting related research is anticipated. This article seeks to review financial accounting- and tax accounting-related research trends in Korea and the US. Further, the effects of adopting IFRS on research trends, along with suggestion for future research will be provided. Fair value accounting, the core of IFRS, is likely to increase the gap between the financial accounting and tax accounting, which calls for further research on adjustment of the gap. In 2010, in order to minimize any conflict that may arise from the adoption of IFRS, various measures, such as discontinuance of LIFO and accelerated depreciation have been implemented. Such tax reform measures should be undertaken whenever necessary in the future. Because of the nature of IFRS, the gap between financial accounting and tax accounting tends to widen. Thus, research should be conducted to seek ways to minimize tax burden, and effectively operate income tax allocation with the use of two-book system for financial accounting and tax accounting. Further, any income tax allocation problem arising from the adoption of IFRS, as well as a remedy for the problem should be dealt with. The effects of implementing IFRS on the calculation of income tax expense and effective corporate tax rate, and ways to create a smooth alignment between IFRS and relevant laws and regulations such as tax law, business law, and stock exchange law should be studied in depth. As globalization of economy gets accelerated, other issues related to IFRS, such as transfer pricing taxation and international taxation should be actively researched. Furthermore, for the implementation of FTA, issues related to certificate of origin should be addressed in further research.