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『釋門儀範』은 1935년 승려 안진호에 의해 편집된 불교의식집으로, 오늘날 불교사원에서 행해지는 제반의식뿐만 아니라 불교의례의식연구에서 학술적으로 가장 흔히 인용되는 중요한 문헌이다.그러나 지금까지 많은 불교음악연구저서나 논문에서는『釋門儀範』歌曲編에 수록된 곡들을 음악부문 해석 없이 일률적으로 화청부문으로 단정 지어 왔다.이에 본 연구는 『釋門儀範』歌曲編에 수록된 곡들이 몇 가지 특성상 화청과 찬불가로 분류될 것으로 보고, 수록곡들을 사설의 율격, 형식, 곡조의 장단 및 악조 등의 음악적 특성과 각 악곡의 원천을 비교검토 하였다. 그 결과, 사설이 장절형식으로 되어 있고, 창가조로 된 <찬불가>,<사월팔일경축가>,<산회가>,<불전화혼가>,<신불가>,<성탄경축가>,<학도권면가>,<월인찬불가>,<왕생가> 등 악보가 전하는 9곡과 <성도가>,<오도가>,<목련지효가>,<문맹퇴치가>,<애국발심가>,<안양왕생가>,<신년가>,<관음신앙가>,<열반가>,<금강산유산록>등은‘찬불가’부문으로 분류될 수 있으며, 44조 통절형식에 화청조로 되어 있는 <백발가>,<회심곡>,<별회심곡>,<참선곡>,<몽환가>,<권왕가>,<원적가>,<관악산유산록>등은‘화청’부문으로 분류될 수 있음을 밝혔다.

"The ‘Seokmunuibom’" is a Buddhist Ritual Book edited by a Buddhist monk Anjinho in 1935. ‘Seokmunuibom’ has been evaluated as a very important document for the study of Korean Buddhist music and also this book has been quoted by many scholars in the field of this study. In addition, ‘Seokmunuibom’ has been used as the Buddhist Ritual model performed in the most Buddhist temples. Especially, we need to note that many Buddhist songs related to modern Buddhist music are included in this book. Through this document, we can find a clue to the study of the traditional Buddhist ritual music and Buddhist music history. Regarding the classification of the songs in the ‘Seokmunuibom’, although many academic works in Korean literature, Buddhist association, and Buddhist music association etc. have classified all songs included in this book into ‘Hwacheong’. However, I would like to insist that this classification is wrong because it is possible to classify these songs into ‘Hwacheong’ and ‘Chanbulga’ as a different genre of music song. Therefore, in this study, I tried to classify these songs into ‘Hwacheong’ type music and ‘Chanbulga’ type music through the comparative analysis of words formation, rhythm, time and originality of song among these songs. As a result, I found that these songs included in ‘Seokmunuibom’ are not simple type of music, but have a characteristics of the complex type of music.

"The ‘Seokmunuibom’" is a Buddhist Ritual Book edited by a Buddhist monk Anjinho in 1935. ‘Seokmunuibom’ has been evaluated as a very important document for the study of Korean Buddhist music and also this book has been quoted by many scholars in the field of this study. In addition, ‘Seokmunuibom’ has been used as the Buddhist Ritual model performed in the most Buddhist temples. Especially, we need to note that many Buddhist songs related to modern Buddhist music are included in this book. Through this document, we can find a clue to the study of the traditional Buddhist ritual music and Buddhist music history. Regarding the classification of the songs in the ‘Seokmunuibom’, although many academic works in Korean literature, Buddhist association, and Buddhist music association etc. have classified all songs included in this book into ‘Hwacheong’. However, I would like to insist that this classification is wrong because it is possible to classify these songs into ‘Hwacheong’ and ‘Chanbulga’ as a different genre of music song. Therefore, in this study, I tried to classify these songs into ‘Hwacheong’ type music and ‘Chanbulga’ type music through the comparative analysis of words formation, rhythm, time and originality of song among these songs. As a result, I found that these songs included in ‘Seokmunuibom’ are not simple type of music, but have a characteristics of the complex type of music.