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보운(寶雲)존자 의통(義通, 927-988)은 고려 출신으로 중국 천태종 제16대 조사가 되었다. 그는 송 천태종 부흥에 커다란 역할과 함께 고려 천태종에도 영향을 미쳤다. 그럼에도 불구하고 기존의 연구들은 그의 전기를 중심으로 살펴볼 뿐이었다. 중국에서 그의 역할 및 사상적 측면은 거의 다루지 않았다. 그 이유를 두 가지 원인으로 요약할 수 있다. 첫째는 의통에 대한 사상 자료가 거의 존재하지 않는다는 이유이다. 둘째는 그가 귀국하지 않고 중국에서 활약했으므로 연구 대상이 되기 어려웠을 것이라는 점이다. 이에 따라 한국, 중국, 일본의 학자들이 연구의 우선 대상에서 제외한 것으로 보인다. 본 논문에서는 오월에서의 의통 역할에 대하여 다각적인 검토를 시도하였다.의통은 고려 초기 오월에 건너가 덕소의 가르침을 거쳐 의적 문하에서 천태학을 수학하였다. 이후 그는 귀국하려던 중 사명지역의 군수인 전유치(錢惟治)의 요청으로 오월에 잔류하면서, 전법 활동으로 이어졌다. 이로써 오월과 북송 천태종은 새로운 전기를 맞게 된다. 그의 역할은 세 가지로 요약된다. 첫째는 송대 천태종 부흥의 계기가 되었던 동제사주 사건에서의 분명한 역할이다. 둘째, 산가파산외파 논쟁의 단초를 마련하였고, 이로 인해 천태종 본연으로 회귀할 수 있도록 하였다. 셋째, 그의 사상과 관행(觀行)이 고려 천태종에 영향을 미쳤다. 위에서 언급한 의통의 역할을 재고할 때 역사적으로 가지는 위상이 매우 크다. 특히 의통이 설립한 보운원을 중심으로 천태학이 강의되었고, 인재들을 배출했으며, 산외파와의 대론에서 승리하였다. 이러한 일련의 과정에서 의통의 많은 역할을 짐작할 수 있다. 그런데 의통의 그러한 행적들이 기록되지 않아 그의 사상을 밝히는데 한계가 있었다. 그러나 역사적사상적으로 당시 자료들을 종합적으로 살펴볼 때, 그의 역할에 대해 충분한 유추가 가능함을 알게 된다.

Boun-Uitong(義通, 927-988) become 16th Tientai order master in Chinese Song Dynasty. But he is from the Koryo. He make a role in the restoration of the Song dynasty's Tientai order. And Koryo Tientai was influenced by thoughts of Song Tientai order. Nevertheless, the existing studies looking around roughly in his biography. On the other hand, they don't inspect closely in his part and thoughts at that time. That reason can be abstracted two kinds. First, the resources of thought about Uitong's are not exist at full. Second, he don't return to Koryo, and he active in Song only, this could not be target to study him. Because of that reasons, it would be excepted by Korea, China, Japan's researchers. In this thesis, I tried to investigate Uitong's part many-side in Owol(吳越) dynasty. Uitong, from Koryo, went over to Owol, and for the first time, he receive the teaching from Deshao(德韶, 891-972), next time he was taken lessons Tientai teaching by yiji(義寂) who is master of him. He ended the Tientai study, and when he just depart to koryo, a governor of Owol, his name is qian-wei-zhi(錢惟治), ask him to remain there. And then his activities started in si-ming(四明) area. Tientai order of Owol and North Song dynasty met the turning point to develop in history. His parts can be abstracted as three kinds. First, Uitong's certain parting in TongChuSiZhu(同除四住) event that caused by King qian-hong-chu(錢弘俶), which bring out restoration of Song Tientai order. Two, he supply an opportunity to bring about controversy between the Inner mountain school(山家派) and Outer mountain school(山外派) in Song Tientai order. This make the Song Tientai order to original doctrine. Third, his thoughts and buddhist exercises influnced to Koryo Tientai order.

Boun-Uitong(義通, 927-988) become 16th Tientai order master in Chinese Song Dynasty. But he is from the Koryo. He make a role in the restoration of the Song dynasty's Tientai order. And Koryo Tientai was influenced by thoughts of Song Tientai order. Nevertheless, the existing studies looking around roughly in his biography. On the other hand, they don't inspect closely in his part and thoughts at that time. That reason can be abstracted two kinds. First, the resources of thought about Uitong's are not exist at full. Second, he don't return to Koryo, and he active in Song only, this could not be target to study him. Because of that reasons, it would be excepted by Korea, China, Japan's researchers. In this thesis, I tried to investigate Uitong's part many-side in Owol(吳越) dynasty. Uitong, from Koryo, went over to Owol, and for the first time, he receive the teaching from Deshao(德韶, 891-972), next time he was taken lessons Tientai teaching by yiji(義寂) who is master of him. He ended the Tientai study, and when he just depart to koryo, a governor of Owol, his name is qian-wei-zhi(錢惟治), ask him to remain there. And then his activities started in si-ming(四明) area. Tientai order of Owol and North Song dynasty met the turning point to develop in history. His parts can be abstracted as three kinds. First, Uitong's certain parting in TongChuSiZhu(同除四住) event that caused by King qian-hong-chu(錢弘俶), which bring out restoration of Song Tientai order. Two, he supply an opportunity to bring about controversy between the Inner mountain school(山家派) and Outer mountain school(山外派) in Song Tientai order. This make the Song Tientai order to original doctrine. Third, his thoughts and buddhist exercises influnced to Koryo Tientai order.