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Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the level of aging anxiety and self-efficacy and to explore the relationship between aging anxiety and self-efficacy of the middle age adults. Methods: The subjects were 373 adults aged between 40 to 64 years old. Data was collected for 2 months by trained nursing students. Aging anxiety was evaluated using the Anxiety about Aging scale for the elderly modified by Watkins et al., and self-efficacy was measured using tools developed by Sherer and Maddux. Results: The total score of aging anxiety was 49.44 and the item average was 2.56. 'Acceptance of the self as very old' was the factor with the highest anxiety level (3.08). Level of aging anxiety was significantly different by education level, illness, health status and religion. The score of self efficacy was 57.96. and showed a negative correlation with aging anxiety. Conclusion: Some study results are not coherent with previous studies; therefore, any definite conclusion needs to be postponed and repeated studies adopting diverse and larger samples are called for. More reliable and Korean culture oriented tools to measure aging anxiety may need to be developed for better results.

Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the level of aging anxiety and self-efficacy and to explore the relationship between aging anxiety and self-efficacy of the middle age adults. Methods: The subjects were 373 adults aged between 40 to 64 years old. Data was collected for 2 months by trained nursing students. Aging anxiety was evaluated using the Anxiety about Aging scale for the elderly modified by Watkins et al., and self-efficacy was measured using tools developed by Sherer and Maddux. Results: The total score of aging anxiety was 49.44 and the item average was 2.56. 'Acceptance of the self as very old' was the factor with the highest anxiety level (3.08). Level of aging anxiety was significantly different by education level, illness, health status and religion. The score of self efficacy was 57.96. and showed a negative correlation with aging anxiety. Conclusion: Some study results are not coherent with previous studies; therefore, any definite conclusion needs to be postponed and repeated studies adopting diverse and larger samples are called for. More reliable and Korean culture oriented tools to measure aging anxiety may need to be developed for better results.