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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare stress, coping methods, and mental health of college nursing students in Korea and China. Methods: With a survey design, a total of 171 Korean and 200 Chinese college nursing students were recruited. Mental health was measured by the symptom checklist 90-R (Derogaris et al., 1973), and stress and coping methods were measured by Cohen's instrument(1988). Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, 2-test, t-test, and Pearson's correlation coefficients. Results: The mean score of mental health was 63.25 for Korean nursing students, and 74.04 for Chinese nursing students. There was no significant difference in the levels of stress and overall coping methods between Korean and Chinese students. The lower score of mental health (better mental health) was significantly related with less stress in both Korean and Chinese students, and with poorer coping methods in Chinese students. The levels of stress positively correlated with coping methods in Korean and Chinese students. Conclusion: Korean nursing students experienced better mental health than Chinese students. These findings could be applicable to nursing interventions to improve mental health for nursing students.