초록 열기/닫기 버튼

지적장애아동은 단기기억에 결함을 가지고 있다. 한글을 읽기 위해서는 최소한 5-6개 항목을 단기기억 할 수 있어야 하는데 지적장애아동의 단기기억 수준은 3개 항목을 넘어서는 과제를 해결하기가 곤란하다. 그러므로 지적장애아동은 기존의 단어 또는 문장중심의 한글읽기 학습이 곤란하다. 읽기학습의 초기단계에 지적장애아동의 단기기억 능력에 맞게 과제길이가 3개 항목을 넘어서지 않는 새로운 한글읽기 학습프로그램 개발의 필요성이 요청된다. 자음카드 한글읽기 학습프로그램은 지적장애아동의 단기기억 정보처리 과정을 고려하여 한글읽기를 가르치는 프로그램이다. 프로그램을 개발하기 앞서 단기기억이 한글읽기와 관련하여 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 선행연구를 탐색하였다. 또 지적장애아동의 단기기억 특성인 효과적인 과제 길이, 단어 화석화, 정보흐름의 차단이 한글읽기에 주는 영향을 탐색하였다. 지적장애아동의 단기기억 특성을 고려한 자음카드 한글읽기 학습프로그램은 이러한 이론적인 바탕을 기초로 하여 지도 원리와 내용 및 단계를 정하고, 거기에 더하여 절차와 학습방법을 첨가하여 개발되었다.

Children with intellectual disabilities have disability of short term memory. Reading Hangul, we should memorize from five to six items at least. But children with intellectual disabilities have difficulty in short memory, they can not solve over three items of task in their short term memory level. Therefore they can not learn Hangul reading with word or sentence-based Hangul reading programs. We should develop a new Hangul reading program for children with intellectual disabilities that focused their short memory ability especially at beginning of reading program. Hangul consonant card learning program is fitted for short term memory processing of children with intellectual disabilities. Developing Hangul reading program, we reviewed literatures that short term memory effects to Hangul reading. Secondly, we investigated effects of effective length of task, fossilization of language, and block of information flowing of short term memory for children with intellectual disabilities. Lastly, we developed Hangul consonant learning program that considered short term memory level of children with intellectual disabilities and theoretical foundations of this field. This program contains principles of teaching, steps and contents of Hangul reading for children with intellectual disabilities.

Children with intellectual disabilities have disability of short term memory. Reading Hangul, we should memorize from five to six items at least. But children with intellectual disabilities have difficulty in short memory, they can not solve over three items of task in their short term memory level. Therefore they can not learn Hangul reading with word or sentence-based Hangul reading programs. We should develop a new Hangul reading program for children with intellectual disabilities that focused their short memory ability especially at beginning of reading program. Hangul consonant card learning program is fitted for short term memory processing of children with intellectual disabilities. Developing Hangul reading program, we reviewed literatures that short term memory effects to Hangul reading. Secondly, we investigated effects of effective length of task, fossilization of language, and block of information flowing of short term memory for children with intellectual disabilities. Lastly, we developed Hangul consonant learning program that considered short term memory level of children with intellectual disabilities and theoretical foundations of this field. This program contains principles of teaching, steps and contents of Hangul reading for children with intellectual disabilities.