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금갑진은 진도의 남동해안에 자리한 수군 진으로 한반도의 남해∼서해를 잇는 연안 항로의 길목에 놓여 군사 및 해상교통 면에서 중요한 지역이었다.금갑진의 지형적 입지의 특성은 만입지의 발달, 만입지의 측면에 형성된 작은 수로, 진이 위치한 곳을 직접 은폐해주는 섬과 산지, 자연지형의 험준함, 그리고 시간적 지형 방어 벽 역할을 하는 조간대 지형 등으로 이루어진다.금갑진은 자연 지형을 잘 활용해서 진의 존재를 은폐하기에 유리한 위치에 입지하면서 연근해를 항해하는 선박을 조망할 수 있는 지형을 진의 입지로 이용하였다. 또한 진으로의 공격과 접근이 어렵도록 천험의 자연지형을최대한 활용하였다.금갑진의 성곽은 접근이나 공격이 어려운 자연지형의 험준함을 최대한 살려서 축조하였고 자연지형의 험준함이 따르지 못하면 보다 높고 튼튼한 성곽으로 보완하고 있다.

Keumgabjin played important roles in military and maritime traffic. Keumgabjin, a naval station, was able to play such roles because it was situated along a coastal route which connects the South Sea and the West Sea. The characteristics of geomorphological location of Keumgabjin in Jin-Do consists of 1) development of bay 2) small waterways along the bay 3) islands and mountainous area that conceals the naval station 4) morphological precipitousness and 5) intertidal zone that serves as a time honored bulwark. Keumgabjin was situated where it can easily be concealed from enemies while it had easier access to look over ships sailing along the coast. It also utilized natural stronghold so that it would be extremely difficult to have an access to the naval station or to attack. The precipitousness of natural morphology was utilized in building the castle walls. The rampart was supplemented with fortified walls where the morphological conditions was not precipitous enough to serve as natural rampart.

Keumgabjin played important roles in military and maritime traffic. Keumgabjin, a naval station, was able to play such roles because it was situated along a coastal route which connects the South Sea and the West Sea. The characteristics of geomorphological location of Keumgabjin in Jin-Do consists of 1) development of bay 2) small waterways along the bay 3) islands and mountainous area that conceals the naval station 4) morphological precipitousness and 5) intertidal zone that serves as a time honored bulwark. Keumgabjin was situated where it can easily be concealed from enemies while it had easier access to look over ships sailing along the coast. It also utilized natural stronghold so that it would be extremely difficult to have an access to the naval station or to attack. The precipitousness of natural morphology was utilized in building the castle walls. The rampart was supplemented with fortified walls where the morphological conditions was not precipitous enough to serve as natural rampart.