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우리나라에서는 홍수관리정책은 물의 흐름을 관리하여 ‘홍수를 하천에 가두는’ 치수정책이 중심이 되어왔다. 이러한 홍수방어정책은 시설을 중심으로 이루어지며, 시설로 인한 생태계 훼손, 하류부 홍수에 대한 방어 가능성의 저하, 가후변하에 따른 국지성 호우의 적응력 감소 등의 여러 문제점들이 지적된다. 그래서 홍수방어정책(Flood defense policy)에서 홍수관리정책(Flood Management Policy)으로 전환하여야 하며, 재해지도는 이를 위한 기초정보를 제공하는 작업으로서 중요하다. 현재 우리의 재해지도는 하천법, 자연재해대책법, 산지관리법 등에서 각각 홍수 관련 재해지도 작성 주체, 관리 및 이용 방안 등을 규정하고 있지만, 작성주체가 관련 법에 따라 나누어져 있고 또 전체적으로 다양하다는 특징을 보인다. 또한 국가하천(62개, ‘00)을 제외하고는 지방하천, 소하천 등의 재해지도 작성은 거의 이루어지지 않고 있다. 기초자치단체별로 재해지도를 작성함으로서 홍수예방을 위한 유역단위 접근이 곤란하고 국토통합정보시스템과의 연계되지 않아 재해지도의 사전예방 기능을 극대화하기에는 한계가 있다고 판단된다. 이러한 맥락에서 미국, 일본, 유럽연합(EU) 등 해외사례를 검토하여 지속가능한 홍수관리를 위한 재해지도의 효율적 구축과 토지이용관리를 위한 활용방안을 마련하였다. 우선, 재해지도의 효율적 구축을 위해서는 (1) 과거 홍수재해의 목록화 및 도면화, (2) 홍수관리와 토사 재해의 연계·통합, (3) 재해정보의 표준화와 국토통합정보시스템과의 연계, (4) 홍수관련 기초조사의 강화, (5) 국가전체적인 재해지도 구축 로드맵 마련이 필요하다. 그리고 재해지도를 활용한 토지이용관리의 강화방안을 (1) 사전재해영향성검토협의 등 영향평가, (2) 방재지구 등 지구지정, (3) 홍수터복원 등 토지매수사업으로 구분하여 살펴보았다.이러한 재해지도의 구축과 활용을 통해 지속가능한 홍수관리를 실천함으로서 인명과 재산에 대한 피해를 사전에 예방하고 토지이용계획에서 방재 계획을 다른 사안에 우선하여 고려할 수 있도록 도시방재계획의 실효성을 제고하는데도 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다.

Traditionally, flood management policy in Korea has been called as ?ater control?policy because its practices have focused on preventing inundationof the adjacent floodplains. The purpose of this policy is to confine all flood discharge within a current river channel whose width is restricted by artificial levee along the channel. This traditional policy used structural measures, which include dam and bank, to prevent flooding and it has been successful to prevent the damage of properties and human lives. However, these structural measures caused damage of riverine eco-system. It has also been argued that anthropogenic changes of the hydrological conditions in river increase the flood risk along the river. There is a strong need to change the paradigm from flood prevention policy with structural measures to flood management policy. Flood risk map can play a critical role in the sustainable flood management policy. Various acts and enforcement decrees control the procedures of flood risk mapping in Korea (ie. River Act). The Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MOCT) has the responsibility to prepare the flood risk maps along the ?ational Rivers? while the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) provides the guidelines for disaster managementmaps of local authorities who are responsible for the flood prevention of ?egional Rivers? Although the flood risk mapping of national rivers undertaken by the MOCT shows some progress, there has been no significant progress made in the regional disaster risk mapping. Lack of integrated information on spatialrange of flood damage as well as on potential damage by simulated rainfall hinders the effect to maximize the government? disaster reduction capacity at national and local levels. In order to use the flood risk map aimed at preventing further damageof properties and loss of lives, data base should be synthesized and preventive works should be coordinated properly. A plan should also be formulated to integrate the government? preventive actions to prevent the loss. Furthermore, it is considered necessary to include the potential flood and natural disaster damage of a region in land use planning and urban development. For more efficient mapping, the following measures should be undertaken. 1. All previous records of flood and debris flow as well as sediment transport-related disasters should be included as background information. 2. The map should be integrated with national geographic information service systems used for land use management and urban development in basin scale. 3. There should be more scientific research activities to collect reliable palaeo flood information. 4. In addition, the Korean government should make a national road map for nationwide disaster risk mapping.

Traditionally, flood management policy in Korea has been called as ?ater control?policy because its practices have focused on preventing inundationof the adjacent floodplains. The purpose of this policy is to confine all flood discharge within a current river channel whose width is restricted by artificial levee along the channel. This traditional policy used structural measures, which include dam and bank, to prevent flooding and it has been successful to prevent the damage of properties and human lives. However, these structural measures caused damage of riverine eco-system. It has also been argued that anthropogenic changes of the hydrological conditions in river increase the flood risk along the river. There is a strong need to change the paradigm from flood prevention policy with structural measures to flood management policy. Flood risk map can play a critical role in the sustainable flood management policy. Various acts and enforcement decrees control the procedures of flood risk mapping in Korea (ie. River Act). The Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MOCT) has the responsibility to prepare the flood risk maps along the ?ational Rivers? while the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) provides the guidelines for disaster managementmaps of local authorities who are responsible for the flood prevention of ?egional Rivers? Although the flood risk mapping of national rivers undertaken by the MOCT shows some progress, there has been no significant progress made in the regional disaster risk mapping. Lack of integrated information on spatialrange of flood damage as well as on potential damage by simulated rainfall hinders the effect to maximize the government? disaster reduction capacity at national and local levels. In order to use the flood risk map aimed at preventing further damageof properties and loss of lives, data base should be synthesized and preventive works should be coordinated properly. A plan should also be formulated to integrate the government? preventive actions to prevent the loss. Furthermore, it is considered necessary to include the potential flood and natural disaster damage of a region in land use planning and urban development. For more efficient mapping, the following measures should be undertaken. 1. All previous records of flood and debris flow as well as sediment transport-related disasters should be included as background information. 2. The map should be integrated with national geographic information service systems used for land use management and urban development in basin scale. 3. There should be more scientific research activities to collect reliable palaeo flood information. 4. In addition, the Korean government should make a national road map for nationwide disaster risk mapping.