초록 열기/닫기 버튼

1937年に日中戦争を開始した日本は、戦争の長期化と拡大によって1938年4月1日 「国家総動員法」を制定·公布し、人的·物的資源の総動員に備えた。この時、労働力動員の方法として勤労報国隊が用いられた。1938年6月11日、学生を対象にした学校勤労報国隊を組織し、7月7日には20~40才の男女を対象にした行政単位基準の地域別勤労報国隊を、そして各団体を中心とした各種聯盟勤労報国隊を結成した。 1938年の国家総動員法施行後間もない頃は、戦時準備体制において勤労報国隊が官斡旋でもって不足した労働力を補完する程度で運用されたとしたら、1941年からは各地域別に特別勤労報国隊が組織され労働力動員の相当の部分を担当するに至った。その他に、満州には興亜青年勤労報国隊、樺太には樺太開拓勤労隊、日本には1941年から朝鮮農業報国青年隊といったものがあった。 1938年7月1日から1941年11月22日までの4年間は、勤労報国隊を運用するための実験の時期にあたる。この時期に、勤労報国に対する観念を朝鮮人に植え付けると同時に、様々な動員方式を試しながらシステムを作り上げていった。つまり、この時期に、勤労報国隊の法制化のための基盤を固めつつあったのであった。 総動員体制に賦役と奉仕の概念を加えて作り上げた勤労報国隊を通じて、日帝は朝鮮人に皇国臣民としての意識と労働の義務を強要した。こうして、いつでも戦場に投入できる常備軍の如く、いつでも労働現場に投入できる労働部隊として、また労働力動員の基底として勤労報国隊を運用しようとしたのである。

The National Mobilization Law was legalized and enacted in April, 1938 in order for the Japanese imperialism to exploit all the human and material resources in colonized Korea due to the ever expanding and lingering war with China since 1937. The Labor Corps of Repaying Country’s Favor(LCRC) was a way of mobilizing laborers in Korea. The student LCRCs were organized in June, 1938 and the regional LCRCs with all men and women in the range of 20~40 in July, 1938. There were also the union LCRCs organized in every corporations and firms. While the early management of LCRC was only to compensate for lack of labor caused by authoritative mobilization directed to the overseas work fields, since 1941, the special LCRCs based on regions took charge of all kinds of labor which was needed in the wartime system. Moreover, there were other LCRCs such as the Ko’a LCRC dispatched to Manchuria, the Karafuto LCRC sent to Sakhalin, and the Agricultural LCRC working in Japan since 1941. Those years from July, 1938 to November, 1941 could be called an experimental period for managing the LCRC. In order to prepare for the legislation of the LCRC in 1941, Japanese tried various levels of mobilization, infusing Koreans with concepts of repaying country’s favor, the Imperial Japan by means of labor. The LCRC, created from the concepts of compulsory labor and service to the country, played a role as a foothold or a reservoir of prepared labor force whenever Japanese imperialists wanted to mobilize it, just as the standing army waiting for the recruitment. Japanese imperialists compelled Koreans to participate in the LCRC, trying to oblige them to constant labor with the consciousness as obedient imperial subjects.

The National Mobilization Law was legalized and enacted in April, 1938 in order for the Japanese imperialism to exploit all the human and material resources in colonized Korea due to the ever expanding and lingering war with China since 1937. The Labor Corps of Repaying Country’s Favor(LCRC) was a way of mobilizing laborers in Korea. The student LCRCs were organized in June, 1938 and the regional LCRCs with all men and women in the range of 20~40 in July, 1938. There were also the union LCRCs organized in every corporations and firms. While the early management of LCRC was only to compensate for lack of labor caused by authoritative mobilization directed to the overseas work fields, since 1941, the special LCRCs based on regions took charge of all kinds of labor which was needed in the wartime system. Moreover, there were other LCRCs such as the Ko’a LCRC dispatched to Manchuria, the Karafuto LCRC sent to Sakhalin, and the Agricultural LCRC working in Japan since 1941. Those years from July, 1938 to November, 1941 could be called an experimental period for managing the LCRC. In order to prepare for the legislation of the LCRC in 1941, Japanese tried various levels of mobilization, infusing Koreans with concepts of repaying country’s favor, the Imperial Japan by means of labor. The LCRC, created from the concepts of compulsory labor and service to the country, played a role as a foothold or a reservoir of prepared labor force whenever Japanese imperialists wanted to mobilize it, just as the standing army waiting for the recruitment. Japanese imperialists compelled Koreans to participate in the LCRC, trying to oblige them to constant labor with the consciousness as obedient imperial subjects.