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日本の敗戦と関釜連絡船:関釜航路の引揚者  崔永鎬 この論文は、日本の敗戦直後関釡連絡船が引揚船に変わっていく過程を究明している。また関連資料の調査を通して、関釡航路を中心に朝鮮人と日本人がどのぐらい引揚たかを追及している。それから回顧記録や口述資料から、関釡航路での引揚者らが引揚状況と植民地支配に対してどのような認識を持っていたかを、調べている。 戦争の末期空襲を避けて疎開していた連絡船の中には、戦後になって引揚者を運ぶ船舶に変わったものが多かった。魚雷などのため船舶の通航が困難であった下関港に代って、仙崎港が引揚港に指定された。釡山と仙崎を結ぶ航路には興安丸が当てられ、この船は占領当局の許可による最初の引揚船となった。 釡山港から仙崎港に引揚た日本人引揚者は25万人に達し、仙崎港から釡山港に引揚た朝鮮人引揚者は33万人に及んだ。日本人引揚者の回想記録からは、明確な引揚の記憶とともに主に安全に引揚できたことに対する感謝や安堵の気持が多く伝えられており、一部少数の引揚者からは、植民地支配に対する認識として「植民地喪失の悔しさ」や「間違った植民地支配」といった記述が見られる。反面、朝鮮人引揚者の口述資料によると、全ての人が解放の喜びを伝えているものの、大部分の人々は引揚状況について不明確な記憶を表していることが分かる。

Defeat of Japan and the Busan-Shimonoseki cross-channel liner: Repatriates on this channel liner Choi, Young-Ho This thesis investigates how the Busan and Shimonoseki cross-channel liners became repatriate vessels and examines how many Koreans and Japanese repatriated via this liners. It also studies how the repatriates felt about their return passages and their thoughts on their colony domination, based on their memoirs and testimonial materials. Many cross-channel vessels evacuating from late wartime air-raids changed into the repatriate vessels. Shimonoseki port, where traffic was blocked by torpedoes, was substituted by Senzaki port as a repatriate port for the people moving between Korea and Japan. Koan Maru vessel was positioned on the Busan and Senzaki channel, becoming the first repatriation ship allowed by the occupying authorities. 250,000 Japanese people repatriated to Senzaki from Busan while 330,000 Koreans repatriated to Busan from Senzaki. It was frequently found in the memoirs of Japanese repatriates how they were relieved of their safe return to their country. There were small number of repatriates who expressed their regrets for the loss of their colony and there were also statements that the colony domination was a wrongful act. According to the testimonial records of Korean repatriates, everyone was joyful of the liberation but their memories of their repatriating passage were not clear.

Defeat of Japan and the Busan-Shimonoseki cross-channel liner: Repatriates on this channel liner Choi, Young-Ho This thesis investigates how the Busan and Shimonoseki cross-channel liners became repatriate vessels and examines how many Koreans and Japanese repatriated via this liners. It also studies how the repatriates felt about their return passages and their thoughts on their colony domination, based on their memoirs and testimonial materials. Many cross-channel vessels evacuating from late wartime air-raids changed into the repatriate vessels. Shimonoseki port, where traffic was blocked by torpedoes, was substituted by Senzaki port as a repatriate port for the people moving between Korea and Japan. Koan Maru vessel was positioned on the Busan and Senzaki channel, becoming the first repatriation ship allowed by the occupying authorities. 250,000 Japanese people repatriated to Senzaki from Busan while 330,000 Koreans repatriated to Busan from Senzaki. It was frequently found in the memoirs of Japanese repatriates how they were relieved of their safe return to their country. There were small number of repatriates who expressed their regrets for the loss of their colony and there were also statements that the colony domination was a wrongful act. According to the testimonial records of Korean repatriates, everyone was joyful of the liberation but their memories of their repatriating passage were not clear.