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세계-내-존재로서 살아가는 인간의 삶은 자신이 사는 세계와 시대의 운명에서 벗어나기가 힘들다. 서양 형이상학에 의해 열어 밝혀진 자 유민주주의와 자본주의 시장경제 그리고 과학과 기술의 세계 속에서 우리는 거주함의 진정한 맛을 느끼며 살아가고 있는가? 소위 서구의 근대적 가치가 전 세계적으로 위세를 떨치고 있는 오늘날, 우리는 사람과 자연 사이, 사람 과 사람 사이 그리고 사람과 초월(성스러움) 사이에 심각한 균열과 소외로 인한 많은 문제들을 겪고 있다. 이러한 많은 문제들을 안고 있는 이 시대와 인간 현상에 대해 하이데거는 한마디로 ‘고향상실(Heimatlosigkeit)’의 시 대라고 명명한다. 다시 말해, 오늘을 사는 많은 현대인들은 죽을자로서의 참 다운 거주의 의미, 마음의 고향을 상실한 칠흑같이 어두운 시대를 살고 있다 는 것이다. 이러한 하이데거의 문제의식에 바탕하여, 필자는 먼저 이러한 고 향상실이라는 시대정신이 우리들 개개인의 삶의 세계 속에서 개인주의와 성 해방 의식 그리고 생명 죽임의 현실로 나타나고 있음을 보여주고자 한다. 다 음으로 그렇게 해서 나타난 현대인의 삶의 모습, 즉 현대문화적 삶의 위기와 최후의 인간의 모습을 상기시켜 볼 것이다. 마지막으로 후기 하이데거의 사 방세계(Geviert) 담론 속에 함의되어 있는 죽을자로서의 인간의 거주함의 뜻에 대해 숙고해 봄으로써 현대문화적 삶의 위기를 치유할 수 있는 일단의 존재지혜를 모색해 보고자 한다.

The life of a human-being whom lives as a Being-in-the-world is confined to the fate of the world and age he lives in. Are we able to feel the true taste of dwelling as we live amidst free democracy, capitalistic market economy and the age of science and technology that were ushered in and illuminated by Western metaphysics? Today, in which the so-called western modern values are prevailing worldwide, humans are experiencing many problems because of the serious chasm and isolation between a human-being and a human-being and between a human-being and transcendence (sacredness). Heidegger calls this age ridden with numerous problems and the human phenomenon the age of the ‘loss of home (Heimatlosigkeit).’ In other words, people living in these modern times are living in an age of darkness, having lost the meaning of true dwelling as mortals and having lost their homes in their minds. Based on this issue raised by Heidegger, this paper will show that the zeitgeist of Heimatlosigkeit expresses itself in each of our individual lives in the form of individualism, awareness of sex liberation and the reality of killing a life. Then, this paper will reflect on the aspects of the life of a modern individual, i.e., the modern-cultural crisis of life and the image of the last human-being. Finally, this paper will seek the wisdom of being that can heal the modern-cultural crisis of life by mulling on the meaning of human dwelling as mortals, which are implied in post-Heidegger discourse and the discourse of world from four directions.

The life of a human-being whom lives as a Being-in-the-world is confined to the fate of the world and age he lives in. Are we able to feel the true taste of dwelling as we live amidst free democracy, capitalistic market economy and the age of science and technology that were ushered in and illuminated by Western metaphysics? Today, in which the so-called western modern values are prevailing worldwide, humans are experiencing many problems because of the serious chasm and isolation between a human-being and a human-being and between a human-being and transcendence (sacredness). Heidegger calls this age ridden with numerous problems and the human phenomenon the age of the ‘loss of home (Heimatlosigkeit).’ In other words, people living in these modern times are living in an age of darkness, having lost the meaning of true dwelling as mortals and having lost their homes in their minds. Based on this issue raised by Heidegger, this paper will show that the zeitgeist of Heimatlosigkeit expresses itself in each of our individual lives in the form of individualism, awareness of sex liberation and the reality of killing a life. Then, this paper will reflect on the aspects of the life of a modern individual, i.e., the modern-cultural crisis of life and the image of the last human-being. Finally, this paper will seek the wisdom of being that can heal the modern-cultural crisis of life by mulling on the meaning of human dwelling as mortals, which are implied in post-Heidegger discourse and the discourse of world from four directions.