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This paper examines the seemingly ambivalent relation between two concepts, cyborg and corporeality, through an analysis of the film Her. Moravec’s proposition that human identity is essentially an informational pattern rather than an embodied enactment is realized in the film through a non-material being: the cyborg Samantha. Corporeality, the core concept of corporeal feminism which was succeeded to cyberfeminism, has been regarded as incompatible with cyborg such as an artificial intelligence without material body. In this study, the following theses are questioned: whether gender identity still remains even after the material body has vanished; whether the theory of post-gender can be the alternative and utopian prospect for the future beyond gender binary as Donna Haraway argued in Cyborg Manifesto; and whether gender inequality would be removed when all human beings become posthuman, as Catherine Hayles proposes. As a result, this paper demonstrates that gender binary and the concept of the corporeal body exist persistently through cyborg beings.