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이 연구는 중학교 특수학급 입급 대상 학생에게 실시되는 교육진단평가에 대한 실태와 부모참여 정도, 학교와 지역교육청의 지원의 실태를 분석하고 개선방안을 제시하였다. 연구대상은 대구광역시와 경상북도에 소재하는 일반 중학교의 특수학급교사 60명을 대상으로 하였으며 자료수집은 설문지와 전화직접 인터뷰하였다. 수집된 자료는 성별, 연령별, 경력별에 대한 질문문항을 분석한(빈도(백분율), t 검정, F 검정, 검증) 결과는 다음과 같다.첫째, 교육진단평가는 학기초와 학기말에 주로 실시하며, 도구는 대부분 사회성숙도검사, 기초학급기능검사, 지능검사, 학습준비도검사, 적응행동검사를 사용하여 주로 특수학급교사 혼자서 진단평가 및 판별을 하고 있다.둘째, 특수학급 입급대상아동의 진단 평가는 특수학급 교사위주로 이루어지고 있고 부모참여기회는 부족하다.셋째, 학교 및 지역교육청의 지원은 거의 이루어지지 않고 있는 실정이다.이에 교육진단평가 시 요구되는 사항으로 특수학급교사의 교육진단평가연수 지원 및 검사도구 외에도 심리적, 학제적, 관련 기관과의 연계 필요, 부모참여기회 확충, 학교 및 지역교육청의 실질적, 행재정적 지원이 절실히 요구된다.

The purpose of this study is to make it clear of the education diagnosis evaluation's actual condition, an actual condition of the parents' participation and the actual condition of supports from the school and local education service. The Subject of this study was chosen by special class teachers in the common middle school and was done by asking some questions by the survey. As the result, the period of middle school's education diagnosis evaluation done comes out to be diverse. The educational arrangement process of students' entering is mostly done by the order of a request, evaluation, distinction, consent of the parents, filling up the IEP, then to entering the special class. Right now, it lacks of the propriety and accuracy of the inspection's result. Second, there aren't any discipline or training experience of the teacher in the special class or lack of achieving ability in diagnosis evaluation. Parents' participant usually takes part only when deciding the entering of the class and do not take part as in direct appraiser. Third, by looking at the actual condition of the support, the school diagnosis evaluation committee is organized but is not being managed formally

The purpose of this study is to make it clear of the education diagnosis evaluation's actual condition, an actual condition of the parents' participation and the actual condition of supports from the school and local education service. The Subject of this study was chosen by special class teachers in the common middle school and was done by asking some questions by the survey. As the result, the period of middle school's education diagnosis evaluation done comes out to be diverse. The educational arrangement process of students' entering is mostly done by the order of a request, evaluation, distinction, consent of the parents, filling up the IEP, then to entering the special class. Right now, it lacks of the propriety and accuracy of the inspection's result. Second, there aren't any discipline or training experience of the teacher in the special class or lack of achieving ability in diagnosis evaluation. Parents' participant usually takes part only when deciding the entering of the class and do not take part as in direct appraiser. Third, by looking at the actual condition of the support, the school diagnosis evaluation committee is organized but is not being managed formally