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본 연구는 생활시설에 거주하고 있는 장애아동 56명을 대상으로 인터넷을 통한 발달평가를 실시하여 그 결과를 발달평가 하위영역과 성별로 나누어 분석하였다. 이에 대한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 발달특성을 평가하기 위하여 일상생활, 기초학습 인지능력, 정서행동, 의사소통, 신체발달 등 5가지 하위영역으로 구성된 척도를 개발하여, 인터넷을 통해 웹지원 시스템을 구축하였다. 둘째, 생활시설에 거주하는 아동이 어떤 발달특성을 보이는지 알아보았다. 일상생활에서는 기준을 초과한 아동의 비율이 41%, 기초학습 인지능력에서는 기준을 초과한 아동이 18%, 정서행동에서는 기준을 초과한 아동이 9%, 의사소통에서 기준을 초과한 아동은 0%, 신체발달에서는 기준을 초과한 아동이 43%로 나타났다. 셋째, 아동의 발달특성이 성별에 따라 어떤 특성을 보이는지 알아보았다. 전체적으로 남자아동의 영역별 분포는 여자아동의 분포보다 상대적으로 크고 넓게 분포되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 본 연구는 생활시설 한 곳만을 연구대상으로 하였기 때문에 결과를 일반화하기에는 제한점을 가지고 있다.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate children development in the residental facilities and to analyze data according to their subordinate types and sex. Subjects were 56 children with disabilities, that consisted of 51% boys and 49% girls. The results were as follows : First, we developed a scale on a daily life, basic leaning cognitive abilities, emotion-behavior, communication, and body development. It was the Web-supported system on the internet. Second, we tried to analyze the developmental characteristics of children in the residental facilities according to the subordinate types. There were 41% in a daily life, 18% in basic leaning cognitive abilities, 9% in emotion-behavior, 0% in communication, 43% in body development who exceeded the standard. Third, we tried to see the developmental characteristics according to sex. The boy distribution was found higher and more widespread in the various types than the girl one. However, there is some limitation on the results, because we treated only one residental facilities.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate children development in the residental facilities and to analyze data according to their subordinate types and sex. Subjects were 56 children with disabilities, that consisted of 51% boys and 49% girls. The results were as follows : First, we developed a scale on a daily life, basic leaning cognitive abilities, emotion-behavior, communication, and body development. It was the Web-supported system on the internet. Second, we tried to analyze the developmental characteristics of children in the residental facilities according to the subordinate types. There were 41% in a daily life, 18% in basic leaning cognitive abilities, 9% in emotion-behavior, 0% in communication, 43% in body development who exceeded the standard. Third, we tried to see the developmental characteristics according to sex. The boy distribution was found higher and more widespread in the various types than the girl one. However, there is some limitation on the results, because we treated only one residental facilities.