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Meticulous verification of the authenticity of each piece considered to be the work of Cheong Yagyong(丁若鏞) is an essential step in the process of recompiling Cheong Yagyong’s writings (tentatively named A Formal Edition of Complete Writings of Yeoyoudang(定本與猶堂全書)). This is especially the case in the so-called Addendum to Complete Writings of Yeoyoudang(與猶堂全書補遺) in that the writer/writers of most articles have not been ascertained yet. This is an urgent problem needing a quick solution. Ten of the 43 pieces collected in Addendum to Complete Writings of Yeoyoudang were selected without disarranging their sequence so that research on the authenticity of each piece can be successively carried out in order to determine which ones should be included in the book and which should not. Through this research, writings considered important to scholars in studying Cheong’s life and thoughts should be included in this book. Nevertheless, there were some pieces actually written by other people, and as a result, should be excluded from this book. This analysis is expected to contribute to the publication of A Formal Edition of Complete Writings of Yeoyoudang in the future.