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이 글은 『이담속찬』의 이본을 소개하고 이본 간의 차이와 선본을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 『이담속찬』의 이본은 다산의 문집 속에 『이담속찬』이 포함되어 있는 ‘전서본 계열’의 1 장서각본 2 규장각본 3 신조선사본 3종이 있고 ‘단행본 계열’에는 1 호고당본 2 광문사본 3 광학서포본 3종이 있다. 6종의 『이담속찬』의 이본을 대조하여서 밝힌 사실은 다음과 같다1 ‘전서본 계열’에서 장서각본은 고본稿本으로 전해지고 있으며 호고당본을 개정한 재고본이자 최종 형태이다. 따라서 이담속찬의 선본善本이라고 할 수 있다. 2 ‘전서본 계열’에서 규장각본과 신조선사본은 각각 장서각본을 저본으로 만들어진 것이다. 그러나 저본을 옮기는 과정에서 몇 가지 오류가 생겼기에 장서각본에 비해 완성도가 떨어진다. 3 ‘단행본 계열’에서 호고당본은 『이담속찬』의 초기 원고본의 모습을 보여주고 있으며 모든 이본 중에서 선행하는 본이다. 호고당본은 적어도 1891년 이전에 간행되었기에 다산 저작 중 가장 먼저 간행된 저작이다. 4 ‘단행본 계열’에서 광문사본과 광학서포본은 수록 속담의 개수와 체제가 모두 동일하다. 두 이본은 20세기 초에 상업출판물로 만들어지면서 다산의 저작이 아닌 「이담속찬보유」도 수록하고 있으며 한글 번역도 부기되어 있다. 다산이 의도한 『이담속찬』의 모습에서는 멀어진 형태이다. 『이담속찬』 이본들의 간행 과정을 재구해보면 다산이 1820년 『이담속찬』을 완성했을 당시의 원고의 모습은 호고당본이 보여주고 있다. 이때 중국 속담은 173장 우리나라 속담인 동언은 213장이었다. 중국 속담은 4언부터 22언까지 순서대로 수록했으며 동언은 213장 중 8언이 209장이며 8언의 형태가 아닌 4장의 속담은 ‘附’를 붙여 구분하였다이후 다산이 『이담속찬』을 개정한 것은 장서각본이다. 장서각본은 재고본이자 최종 형태이며 선본善本이 된다. 그리고 현재 고본의 상태로 전해지고 있는 이본이다. 장서각본은 초기 원고본에서 중국 속담은 4장을 추가하여 177장으로 만들었고 동언도 한 장을 추가하여 214장으로 만들었다. 속담의 수록 순서도 바꾸었다. 중국 속담의 경우는 4언부터 수록한 것을 8언을 앞에 놓는 형태로 개정하였다. 규장각본은 장서각본을 저본으로 만들어진 것이다. 1908년에 장서각본을 저본으로 하면서 호고당본도 참조하여 양재건이 교정하고 한글로 번역까지 하여 간행한 것이 바로 활판본 두 종이다. 활판본에는 유송전이 수집한 31개의 우리나라 속담이 추가되어 있고 한글 번역도 부기되어 있어서 다산이 의도한 모습의『이담속찬』은 아니다. 신조선사본은 1938년 마지막으로 간행된 『이담속찬』의 이본이다. 신조선사본은 선본인 장서각본을 저본으로 간행하였으나 오류가 많아서 연구의 기준 텍스트로는 부족한 점이 많다.

The purpose of this study is to take the excavation and introduction of the Idamsokchan(耳談續纂) and rearrange and redefine the existing differ¬ent versions of the Idamsokchan(耳談續纂). Before Sinchosonsabon(新朝鮮社本) the being published, Idamsokchan (耳談續纂) already the block prints and the old printed book which sells cir-culated toward the book. And this book being recorded even in the already different book because the valence of the variant is many. Also this book the contrast work of researcher was necessary difference of contents be¬cause of the contents which is recorded. The fact which discloses from this study with afterwords is the same things. 1) The different versions of the Idamsokchan(耳談續纂) are divided into two lines, Jeonseobon(全書本) and Danhangbon(單行本). Con¬tents contrast led and comes to divide the possibility of knowing a fact was in Jeonseobon(全書本): Jangseogak(藏書閣本), Kyujanggakbon(奎章閣本), Sinchosonsabon(新朝鮮社本), Hogodangbon(好古堂本), Whalphanbon(活版本): 廣文社本, 廣學書鋪本. 2) Hogodangbon(好古堂本) is to come to make before at least 1891 and from in Tasan’s book to publish at the beginning. Hogodangbon(好古堂本) is making a manuscript original purpose appearance initially, Kyujanggakbon(藏書閣本) which is different is the opening a court sam¬ple which is amended in Tasan’s lifetime. 3) Kyujanggakbon(藏書閣本) in the various 『Idamsokchan(耳談續纂)』 directness is to write and is good even with contents as a matter of. 4) Sinchosonsabon(新朝鮮社本) the spelling error is omitted many information which is important, to other than Jangseogak(藏書閣本) and all cotton agree. Sinchosonsabon(新朝鮮社本) came to publish Jangseogak(藏書閣本) with character. Jangseogak(藏書閣本) came to publish Jangseogak(藏書閣本) with character. Jangseogak(藏書閣本) the completion degree falls consequently. 5) Two Whalphanbonk(活版本): 廣文社本, 廣學書鋪本 contents are same. This book referred to Hogodangbon(好古堂本) and Jangseogak(藏書閣本). The book where Tasan intends but is a distance.