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The kingdom of God is the message of the eschatological concept that Jesus Christ proclaimed with the beginning of his earthly ministry. From the coming of the Christ the kingdom is not merely the perfect kingdom coming down in the future, but the presence and reign of the Christ that can be established with his disciples earthly, present, now and here. Paul the apostle witnessed that this kingdom should be built up within the faith community. It means that the faith community, namely the church, should be the kingdom of God, and this kingdom be extended out through it. The kingdom of God is not merely coming down. It is impossible to be actualized without the lives of the sacrifice and serving of the believers while obeying the reign of the Christ and following his step. Paul suggests three elements that establish the kingdom of God in the faith community: righteousness, peace, and joy(Rom 14:17). This article examines these elements and clarify them to explain how to build up the kingdom comparing with the opposite elements which can not inherit the kingdom. Finally I emphasize that the kingdom of God should be built up within the church as the space of the kingdom and spread through the church as an instrument of the kingdom.