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This paper attempts to apprehend the view of the Fourth Evangelist about the Eucharist by interpreting John 6:51-58 from a new perspective. An exegetical study identifies three main subjects in John 6:51-58. The primary theological theme is Christology and the doctrine of faith. Thus, the first subject is to clarify who Jesus is. The next one is to elaborate the reasons to believe in Jesus. Finally, the third one underlines the significance of the Eucharist. The first two correspond with the objective of John' s writing which is described in John 20:31. The Fourth Evangelist expresses the meaning of the Eucharist by using the terms and forms that suggest the Eucharist with the reference to Jesus' identity and faith in Him. The intention of the Fourth Evangelist is to renew the definition of the Eucharist by relating it to Christology and the doctrine of faith. That is, his emphasis is that those who receive the Eucharist should have proper understanding of Jesus and make a confession of faith in Him. At the same time, he also shows the promise of eternal life, the consequence of the Eucharist and faith.