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누가는 자신의 복음서에서 예수 그리스도를 통해 주어진 새로운 신분과 명예에 대해 강조하며, 자신의 공동체가 그런 신분과 명예를 소유하기위해 노력하고 그것들로 말미암아 십자가의 길을 갈 것을 당부한다. 본고는 마르다와 마리아 이야기(눅 10:38-42)를 통해 이런 사실을 보다 구체적으로 살핀다. 예수를 자신의 집에 영접한 마르다와 마리아의 태도, 또한이에 대한 예수는 반응 등을 통해 기독교공동체 안에서의 얻게 되는 새로운 신분과 명예의 의미에 대해 고찰한다. 그리고 이것은 팔레스타인을 포함한 1세기 지중해 연안 사회에서 명예를 획득하는 한 과정으로서의 명예게임, 즉 명예에 대한 도전-응답-평결이라는 명예게임의 틀 안에서 이루어질 것이다.

In his Gospel, Luke emphasizes the new status and honor to get in Christ and appeals that his community should endeavor in order to have the status and honor. The story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42) in the Gospel of Luke can be understood in this context. This story is not to deal with a matter of priorities. It is not a matter of contrasting the active and the contemplative life, and the worship and the service. Furthermore, it is not the story dealing with importance of listening to and learning the word of God. Rather, it is the story about the new status to get in Jesus Christ and the life that they should take. Specifically, it is the story about a new status and role to contrast with a woman’s traditional status and role voiced by Martha. In addition, it is the story of a visionary on absolutely new and equal place of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Christ proclaimed. And it is the story required to reorganize traditional values and orders in the light of the Kingdom of God. It is the story on the radical nature of Kingdom as the upside-down World. And so, it tells us that one believed in Jesus must reorientate one’s lifestyle in the new ways of Kingdom according to what Jesus says is the ‘good portion.’ This article examines these facts in the light of social expectations to females in the first century Mediterranean world. And so, it does examine the meaning of new status and honor to get in Christianity through the attitude of Martha and Mary accepted Jesus into the her house and the response of Jesus. Especially, it is investigated in ‘honor game’ that is the way to acquire honor as the core value of the first century Mediterranean societies: the challenge of Mary to acquire the new honor of woman in the Kingdom of God and the riposte of Martha,and the verdict of Jesus.