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요한복음서의 고별담론(13:31-17:26)은 지상에서의 예수의 마지막 담론으로 1세기 말 유대사회와 심각한 갈등을 겪고 있는 요한공동체의 위기상황을 반영한다. 요한은 고별담론에서 십자가 처형을 앞둔 예수의 고난의 상황과 유대인들에게 박해받고 있는 요한공동체의 위기 상황을 동일시함으로써 예수에 대한 이해를 중심으로 공동체 자신을 이해하고 당면한 위기를 극복하고자 했다. 이에 본고는 ‘예수의 떠남과 다시 옴’을 주제로 전개되는 첫 번째 고별담론(14:1-31)을 주석하면서 담론이 가진 본문 내적인 전개 방식과 신학적 사유구조에 대해 고찰하고, 이러한 본문 이해를 기반으로 요한공동체가 예수의 부재와 세상의 박해를 극복하는 과정에서 신학적으로 도약할 수 있었던 사유과정에 대해 살펴보고자 한다.

This study investigates the first farewell discourse(14:1-31) in the Gospel of John from a historical and theological perspective. I analyze the farewell discourse in the terms of J. Louis Martyn's 'two-level drama' and the sociology of knowledge, and explore how the historical situation of Jesus and that of the Johannine community after Easter correspond in the text. In this respect, I show that the first farewell discourse is a discourse for overcoming situations of crisis the Johannine community faced. The Johannine community was in conflict with Jewish communities because of its high christology in the late first century. Johannine Christians were on the verge of division and collapse due to persecution from local Jewish religious authorities. In this crisis situation, they experienced the presence of and union with the risen Jesus through his gift of Paraclete, the spirit of truth within the community. By this spirit-experience, they could interpret Jesus' crucifixion as his exaltation to God, and the risen Jesus' presence as the God's presence. In this respect, Johannine Christians were certain that the cross of Jesus was the evidence of love and salvation of God and accordingly they confessed it as the glorification of God and Jesus. They were not only able to keep their faith community but also develop John's distinctive theology. Moreover, the Johannine community did not reject or abandon a world hostile to them but instead tried to go into the world by counteracting suffering from the world in the same manner as Jesus did. In doing so, they coped with their crisis dynamically and kept on doing missionary work in the world.