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The Turkic languages and dialects are spoken across a vast area from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean to Siberia and Western China, from Pacific to the Baltic Sea, and from the Arctic Ocean to the Persian Gulf. The mother tongue of the Kyrgyz people is one of the Turkic languages. As nomads, the Kyrgyz did not have the tradition of written language until their incorporation into the Russian Empire in the mid-nineteenth century. The Epic of Manas is a traditional epic poem of the Kyrgyz people. It is one of the longest epics in the world. Manas is the name of the epic’s hero. Battles against Karakitay, Kalmyk, and Manchus (and Chinese) form a central theme in the Epic of Manas. It was composed and sung entirely in oral form throughout the centuries. There are more than 65 written versions of parts of the Epic of Manas recorded from various epic singers and oral poets called Manasčïs. The Altaic Society of Korea had recorded some parts of the Epic of Manas from the Manasčï Talantaalï Bakčiyev in 13 files for 10 hours. This paper is the second part of the study which treats the following words in the first 7 files:(1) Words related to the parts of the body of a horse;(2) Words related to the horse harnesses;(3) Horse names as proper names;(4) Verbs related to a horse;(5) Other words related to a horse.