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This research focused on the customer satisfaction and reuse intention in global e-trade business model and its profitability. Because global e-trade customers have the more buying power than other business areas, customer value propositions were prepared for independent variable in stead of the other variables dependent on human perception as well. The development of our research model is based on the empirical studies on the service quality of comprehensive global e-trade business models, and on the factors influencing the user satisfaction, e-loyalty, reusing. As a result, this research found that the customer value measured by service quality concept impact on the financial performance of global e-trade business model positively. To find out more delicate results, structural equation was used for statistical method using 101 survey samples. The value of this research is that the customer value with very objective profitable information were input for constructing a research model. the findings in this paper will be useful, especially for those who ard planning to bulid user-oriented global e-trade business models.