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마이크로크레딧은 금융소외계층에게 자금을 지원하여 자활을 돕는 제도이다. 우리나라에서도 2009년 9월 정부주도의 미소금융재단이 설립되었으나 2015년 7월 말 현재 168개 지점밖에 운영되지 못해 목표에 크게 미달할 뿐 아니라 지역적 편중현상을 보이고 있다. 기금 역시 2014년 말 현재 1조 9천억 원에 그치고 있다. 따라서 미소금융재단이 금융소외계층에게 창업 대출 및 창업 상담을 통한 자립지원이라는 설립목적을 달성하기 위해서는 먼저 우리나라의 경제․사회적 환경 및 금융제도를 고려한 한국형 마이크로크레딧이 설정되어야 한다. 또한 자금조달 수단의 다양화, 전문인력 확보, 지속가능성 담보, 전달체계의 확충, 소자본 수출기업으로의 대출대상 확대 등이 이루어져야 할 것이다.

Microcredit is a system established to help financially alienated people become self-reliant by providing the funds required for self-support. It started in countries where institutional banks were not yet developed; Korea introduced Microcredit ten years ago in 2000. However, since the results left a lot to be desired, a government-led Microcredit institution called Smile Microcredit Bank was . At first, the government planned to open approximately 200 to 300 Microcredit banks nationwide to promote access by the financially alienated from anywhere in the country. As of July 2015, however, there are only 168 such microcredit banks. Accordingly, for the Smile Microcredit Bank to achieve its foundational purpose of alleviating poverty amongst the financially alienated by providing loans for their business startups or by supporting their self-support efforts through business startup consulting, a Korean-style Microcredit that considers the Korean economy, social environment, and financial systems must first be established. In addition, loan conditions must be eased, financing means diversified, and loan targets enlarged to include small capital exporting companies, accompanied by an expansion in the profiles of people eligible for loans, scale of support, and delivery systems.