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조선시대는 여성들에게 커다란 변화의 시기였다. 고대 이래 유지되어 오던 양계적 가족제도가 부계적인 가족제도로 변화했기 때문이다. 이 변화 속에서 조선의 여성들은 딸에서 며느리로 자신의 주된 정체성이 바뀌는 것을 경험한다. 이때에 물론 여성들은 ‘시집살이’와 같은 갈등을 겪었지만 점차 상황에 적응하는 방법들을 찾아냈다. 제도에 자신을 적응시키면서 갈등을 해소하는 방법들을 찾았고, 또 다른 영역에서 자신들의 권리를 확보하고자 노력하였다. 총부 혹은 종부로서의 권한을 인식하고 그 역할에서 주체성을 발휘한 것이나 열녀되기에 집중했던 것 등은 그러한 노력의 증표들이다. 그리고 대상자로서 주어진 도덕을 수용하는 정도에서 점차 그것을 체득하고 주체적으로 실천하는 쪽으로 변화해 갔다. 그 뿐만 아니라 궁극적으로는 성리학 자체를 연구하여 자신의 의식세계를 넓혔다. 즉 여성들은 성리학 중심의 기존 질서에 적극적으로 적응할 뿐만 아니라 그 질서의 원리에 대해서도 깊은 인식을 가지게 되었던 것이다. 여성들이 이렇게 적극성을 가질 수 있었던 것은 오랫동안 양계적 가족제도의 전통 속에 살아오면서 비교적 여성으로서는 강한 자기 주체성을 가지고 있었기 때문이라고 할 수 있다.

The family lineage of Korean society had been bilateral since the ancient days; but it had been changing to be paternal during the Chosun dynasty. And the women of Chosun suffered from many troubles aroused by those kind of changes. Korean women used to stay in their maiden home after their marriage. However, from the 18th century they had to move to their husband's house. The most important change was that of women's identification: from daughter to daughter-in-law. They also suffered from severe 'Sijibsali' (시집살이, to live in the husband's house or trouble with mother­in­law). However they began to find the way to solve the problems and try to secure their rights on the other side. Since they recognized that the role of 'Chongbu'(冢婦, a widow of the eldest son) or 'Jongbu'(宗婦, a wife of the eldest son) was very important for themselves, they had made big achievements doing those roles. Being a 'Yeolnyeo'(烈女, a virtuous women)' was also a kind of effort to adjust themselves to the new social systems. On the other hand, Chosun's women pursued to comprehend the ultimate principle of morality and devoted themselves to learning neo-confucianism. For example, Im Yoonjidang and Kang Jungildang who were the most representative women of learning in the later Chosun made great achievements in confucian studies. The reason why the women of the later Chosun could successfully adjust themselves to the society was that they had been able to cultivate positive attitudes depending on the traditional bilateral family systems.

The family lineage of Korean society had been bilateral since the ancient days; but it had been changing to be paternal during the Chosun dynasty. And the women of Chosun suffered from many troubles aroused by those kind of changes. Korean women used to stay in their maiden home after their marriage. However, from the 18th century they had to move to their husband's house. The most important change was that of women's identification: from daughter to daughter-in-law. They also suffered from severe 'Sijibsali' (시집살이, to live in the husband's house or trouble with mother­in­law). However they began to find the way to solve the problems and try to secure their rights on the other side. Since they recognized that the role of 'Chongbu'(冢婦, a widow of the eldest son) or 'Jongbu'(宗婦, a wife of the eldest son) was very important for themselves, they had made big achievements doing those roles. Being a 'Yeolnyeo'(烈女, a virtuous women)' was also a kind of effort to adjust themselves to the new social systems. On the other hand, Chosun's women pursued to comprehend the ultimate principle of morality and devoted themselves to learning neo-confucianism. For example, Im Yoonjidang and Kang Jungildang who were the most representative women of learning in the later Chosun made great achievements in confucian studies. The reason why the women of the later Chosun could successfully adjust themselves to the society was that they had been able to cultivate positive attitudes depending on the traditional bilateral family systems.