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관기가 권문세가의 첩이 되었다면 그것만으로도 신분제 사회․가부장제 사회의 주변인․하위주체의 한계를 벗어날 수 있었을까? 본고는 관기 운초가 18세기 후반기에서 19세기 전반기에 걸쳐 고위관직을 두루 거친 김이양의 첩이 됨으로써 기생이 향유할 수 있는 최고의 자리에 오른 여성이 되었고, 운초와 김이양은 知己之友로 평생을 보낼 수 있었다는 기존의 논의에 대한 의문에서 출발하였다. 동기시절, 부용은 유쾌하게 관기 수업에 참여하며 재능의 성취를 꿈꾸었다. 하지만 役에 따른 疲勞와 고통을 忍耐해야만 하였다. 관기라는 자신의 신분에 대한 성찰이 깊어갈수록 부용은 기생의 물적 토대를 인식하게 되었다. 동시에 관기가 詩妓나 藝妓로서 당당하게 설 수 있어야 生業을 유지하면서도 자존심을 지킬 수 있다고 판단하였다. 그 결과 부용은 김이양을 따를 것을 결심하고 자신의 詩才를 매개로 적극적인 태도를 취한다. 이 시기 부용은 어떤 사건에 연루되어 龜城으로 귀양을 다녀오기도 했다. 이 일은 부용이 김이양을 따르겠다고 자신의 미래를 정하는 데에 결정적인 계기를 제공했다. 그러나 연천의 첩이 된 후 운초의 시에는 서울생활에 대한 이질감, 자신의 詩才에 대한 열등감, 미래에 대한 불안, 김이양 가족으로부터의 소외감 등이 깊게 배어나온다. 운초는 사회가 규정한 첩의 규범을 중심에 두고 자신의 욕망을 억제하였지만, 김이양 가문 내부로 진입하지 못하고 가부장제의 경계, 가족의 경계에 정박한 채 하위주체의 한계를 벗어나지 못하였던 것이다.

Before I wrote this thesis, I doubt that gwan-gi could be free herself from the lower class in the society controled by a status system if she became a concubine of gwonmun sega(a family of influence). Therefore I examined Uncho who became a concubine of Kim, I-yang as a gwan-gi. She could be raised to the highest position as a gisaeng, because Kim, I-yang consecutively filled various high- ranking officials from the late 18th century to the first 19th century. I questioned if Uncho and Kim, I-yang spent their lifetime as an appreciative friend(知己之友). When she was a young apprentice gisaeng, Buyong enjoyed the courses to become a gwan-gi and hoped to show her ability. However she had to endure the exhaustion and suffering by yeok(corvée). The deeper she reflected her status as a gwan-gi, the better Buyong recognized the reality of gisaeng. And also she concluded that gwan-gi had to become Si-gi(詩妓)or Ye-gi(藝妓) to support herself independently and maintain her pride. In result, Buyong decided to follow Kim, I-yang and then took active attitude to him by using her poetic genius. At this time, Buyong had been exiled to Guseong(龜城) implicated in a case. This case paved the way for her decision that Buyong spend her lifetime with Kim, I-yang. However after Uncho became Kim, I-yang's concubine, her poems deeply show the unfamiliarity of life in Seoul, an inferiority complex about her poetic genius, the anxiety for the future and a sense of alienation from Kim, I-yang's family. Uncho observed the concubine's standard and suppressed her desire. However she could not become a member of Kim, I-yang's family and was remained the border of patriarchy and the boundary of family. She could not overstep the limit as a subject of the lower class.

Before I wrote this thesis, I doubt that gwan-gi could be free herself from the lower class in the society controled by a status system if she became a concubine of gwonmun sega(a family of influence). Therefore I examined Uncho who became a concubine of Kim, I-yang as a gwan-gi. She could be raised to the highest position as a gisaeng, because Kim, I-yang consecutively filled various high- ranking officials from the late 18th century to the first 19th century. I questioned if Uncho and Kim, I-yang spent their lifetime as an appreciative friend(知己之友). When she was a young apprentice gisaeng, Buyong enjoyed the courses to become a gwan-gi and hoped to show her ability. However she had to endure the exhaustion and suffering by yeok(corvée). The deeper she reflected her status as a gwan-gi, the better Buyong recognized the reality of gisaeng. And also she concluded that gwan-gi had to become Si-gi(詩妓)or Ye-gi(藝妓) to support herself independently and maintain her pride. In result, Buyong decided to follow Kim, I-yang and then took active attitude to him by using her poetic genius. At this time, Buyong had been exiled to Guseong(龜城) implicated in a case. This case paved the way for her decision that Buyong spend her lifetime with Kim, I-yang. However after Uncho became Kim, I-yang's concubine, her poems deeply show the unfamiliarity of life in Seoul, an inferiority complex about her poetic genius, the anxiety for the future and a sense of alienation from Kim, I-yang's family. Uncho observed the concubine's standard and suppressed her desire. However she could not become a member of Kim, I-yang's family and was remained the border of patriarchy and the boundary of family. She could not overstep the limit as a subject of the lower class.