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이 글은 알제리전쟁(1954-1962)과 대독항쟁 사이에 역사적 연속성이 있으리라는 가정을 세우고 1950년년대 식민지전쟁 시기에 펼쳐진 파리의 출판 행위로 이를 검증하려 하였다. 이런 조사의 결과 이 글은 알제리 전쟁기에 프랑스군에 의해 저질러진 고문 행위가 문제시되는 두 시기를 연결시키는 주요한 주제라고 제안하며 미뉘 출판사에서 간행한 『라 케스치옹』 같은 책을 그러한 추적을 확인해주는 명료한 증거로 제시한다. 그러나 또한 주목되는 것은 『라 케스치옹』이 거둔 성공적인 반응은 오랜 시간이 요구되는 비판적 독자 대중의 존재를 동시에 의미한다는 점이었다. 더불어 우리가 도달한 또 하나의 결론은 알제리전쟁기에 하나의 실체로 인정받고 대두하는 ‘제3세계주의’ 역시, 프랑수아 마스페로의 초기 목록이 보여주는 것처럼 출판사의 개입에 빚지고 있다는 사실이었다. 알제리전쟁기에 이렇게 비판적으로 활동한 파리 편집인들과 출판사는 그들이 막 지나온 어려웠던 과거, 레지스탕스의 정신을 되살려 역사를 이어가고 있던 것이라는 주장에 동의할 수 있다.
Under the assumption that there may be a kind of historical continuity of France between the Algerian War(1954-1962) period and the French Resistance movement during the Second World War, this article attempted to prove its probability through the examination of Parisian publishing activity at the time of that colonial war of the 1950s. Though many books and journals were confiscated or indicted as illegal under the special power regime, not a few French publishing company like Éditions de Minuit, Éditions du Seuil or later François Maspero were incessantly working to reveal the very fact commited by the military forces to keep the French colonial Algeria. Bearing in mind of their pubication items on that subject this essay suggests the torture conducted by the French Army during the Algerian war represents one of the obsessive theme which connected the two problematic period. We consider the succint proof is La Question by Henri Alleg published by the Editions de Minuit. However it also makes us realize how much potential was the silent readers critical power at that time. The emergence of those readers who mind and want to know the truth about the colonial rule as well as the struggle of the colonized people support and encourage the publishing of such items. And the formation of this readership has a long history at least in the 20th century including the initiative of left political parties together with labour organizations. Another implication we confirm is that the ‘Third Worldism’ recognized and consolidated during the Algerian War as a declaration of liberated peoples from the colonial rule was also linked to the Parisian centered publishers. One can cite François Maspero as a precurser on that area with enough materials. Finally we can remind again that the Parisian editors and their publications through the Algerian War did not forget their Resistance experience. It contributes not to break the historical bridge placed between the two hard periods.
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Parisian Publisher, Algerian War, Resistance, Third World