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이 글의 목적은 유럽이라는 지역, 프랑스라는 나라가 예술과 문화를 공동체 정신에 결합시켜 어떤 방식으로 그 힘을 극대화하고 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 인증은 문화행사 주체들을 효과적으로 관리하고, 행사에 통일성을 부여하며, 홍보 측면에서도 일관성을 부여하는 장점을 보유하고 있다. 유럽연합의 인증제와 국가적인 차원에서 관리하는 프랑스 인증에 대해 살펴보고자 하는 이 글에서는 지리적인 측면에서 유럽 및 프랑스의 인증제에 대해, 인증 부여 주체 측면에서 국제기구, 정부, 민간의 영역으로 나누어 고찰할 수 있다.

The French Ministry of Culture and Communication has provided, in partnership with local authorities, the implementation of a heritage development policy and awareness architecture since 1985. This policy is embodied through the label the "City or Country of Art and history" which has been awarded since the inception of this program. The label "City or Country of Art and History," presented at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), describes the territories, towns or groups of towns, which are aware of the challenges that represents ownership of their architecture and heritage by their inhabitants, engage in an active process of knowledge gathering, conservation, mediation and support of architectural quality and living environment. The term heritage must be understood in its broadest sense, since it covers both the entire architectural heritage of the city as the natural, industrial, marine, and the memories of the inhabitants. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate this approach in all elements that contribute to the identity of a city or a country with a rich past and a strong dynamism. The approach includes in particular: - The prior knowledge gained through studies of territories, - The existence of a protected area or a protection zone of architectural, urban and landscape (ZPPAUP), if applicable, - Protection of historical monuments, archeology and ethnology operations, - The application of the law of 29/12/1979 on advertising, signs and signposting, - Heritage restoration policy and initiatives for the quality and creation of architecture, urban and landscape, - The balance of urban policy conducted by the local authority (architectural competition, urban, public order, development of public space, the city entrances, etc.) - The awareness and optimization activities carried out by local authorities. This project is based on a transverse arrangement to action planning to better support decision makers and public officials, but also for all the local actors involved in the promotion of heritage and the development of the living environment. The policy of Towns and Regions of art and history in fact concerns many areas of expertise such as cultural activities, educational, housing, urban development and technical services, sustainable development, tourism, etc. Also, the objectives of the Convention as they fit the "art and history" project in a global project of territory.