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오늘날 공동체 구성원으로서의 자질에 대한 요구가 증가됨에 따라 시민교육의 중요성은 과거 어느 때보다도 강조되고 있다. 특히 초등학교 시기는 아동을 바람직한 사회인으로 이끄는 기반을 다지는 시기로서, 이 시기에 다른 사람과 더불어 살아갈 수 있는 기본적인 사회적 능력을 기르는 시민교육의 역할은 더욱 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이 글에서는 초등학교 도덕교과를 중심으로 시민교육의 실제와 개선점에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 시민교육의 개념을 살펴보고, 도덕과 교육을 통해서 본 시민교육 현황 및 도덕과 수업운영상의 문제점을 분석하였다. 그리고 분석결과를 토대로 초등학생의 시민교육을 위한 도덕과 교육의 개선방향에 관해 논의하였다.

For an individual to have harmonious relationships with others, he or she is required to possess several important qualities which are basic elements that form citizenship and generate the behavior required in community living. The period of primary school education can be viewed as the starting point when a child steps out of his or her home, builds new relationships with others and begins his or her social life. Therefore, the period of primary schooling must be regarded as an important one in which children form the very basic qualities required to become desirable social beings. In this sense, it is very meaningful to examine how Korea's primary schools actually guide nourishing students' citizenship and to think about the future of citizenship education in Korea's primary school. This paper reviews analysis of documentary data on relevant curriculum, textbooks, and educational activities. Since 'moral education' is the subject most directly relevant to the issue of citizenship education in Korea's primary school, this analysis is focused upon the subject of moral education. And also this paper surveys teachers' opinions of citizenship education in Korea's primary school. To instill citizenship in primary school students, the following efforts are needed. First, in terms of citizenship and behavioral development of primary school students, we need to make education more geared toward practice dimension. Second, we should put more emphasis upon the values required for instilling the capacity as global citizens in the curriculum and textbooks of moral education at primary school level. Third, we should consider instructional hours and instructional methods. Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen the support system in both inside and outside school.

For an individual to have harmonious relationships with others, he or she is required to possess several important qualities which are basic elements that form citizenship and generate the behavior required in community living. The period of primary school education can be viewed as the starting point when a child steps out of his or her home, builds new relationships with others and begins his or her social life. Therefore, the period of primary schooling must be regarded as an important one in which children form the very basic qualities required to become desirable social beings. In this sense, it is very meaningful to examine how Korea's primary schools actually guide nourishing students' citizenship and to think about the future of citizenship education in Korea's primary school. This paper reviews analysis of documentary data on relevant curriculum, textbooks, and educational activities. Since 'moral education' is the subject most directly relevant to the issue of citizenship education in Korea's primary school, this analysis is focused upon the subject of moral education. And also this paper surveys teachers' opinions of citizenship education in Korea's primary school. To instill citizenship in primary school students, the following efforts are needed. First, in terms of citizenship and behavioral development of primary school students, we need to make education more geared toward practice dimension. Second, we should put more emphasis upon the values required for instilling the capacity as global citizens in the curriculum and textbooks of moral education at primary school level. Third, we should consider instructional hours and instructional methods. Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen the support system in both inside and outside school.