초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The curriculums of Korean language education of Korean colleges need to be reformed by new paradigm urgently. Some scholars insist that Korean curriculum should consist of four functional categories(reading, writing, speaking and listening) instead of current six categories by excluding the grammar and literature. Also they insist the system of four function curriculum is common in western countries. However, the four function curriculum of western countries has not ensured literacy of students. As Korea has been ethnically homogeneous, Korean language curriculum has to focus on the training of linguistic contents extracted from literature and grammar. We propose to correlate six categories like this. Grammar is a basic category heading for correctness and appropriateness of language use. The four functions are core categories heading for fluency and efficiency. Literature is synthetic category heading for creativity. Grammar and literature should not be eliminated in the curriculum of Korean language education. The major of Korean language education should be settled independently apart from the major of Korean language and literature. Korean grammar education has been retrogressed by governmental policy of monopoly textbook development and evaluation system of college entrance that neglects grammar test. Textbook system should be reformed by adopting approval system. Teaching grammar should be changed into new paradigm extensively. It should focus on the acquisition of Standard Korean, learning of Korean orthography, revision training for proofreading, wholistic and synthetic grammar- functional approach of teaching. To students who want to be a good writer, reader and speaker, grammar teachers should provide the learning motivation and practical training.

The curriculums of Korean language education of Korean colleges need to be reformed by new paradigm urgently. Some scholars insist that Korean curriculum should consist of four functional categories(reading, writing, speaking and listening) instead of current six categories by excluding the grammar and literature. Also they insist the system of four function curriculum is common in western countries. However, the four function curriculum of western countries has not ensured literacy of students. As Korea has been ethnically homogeneous, Korean language curriculum has to focus on the training of linguistic contents extracted from literature and grammar. We propose to correlate six categories like this. Grammar is a basic category heading for correctness and appropriateness of language use. The four functions are core categories heading for fluency and efficiency. Literature is synthetic category heading for creativity. Grammar and literature should not be eliminated in the curriculum of Korean language education. The major of Korean language education should be settled independently apart from the major of Korean language and literature. Korean grammar education has been retrogressed by governmental policy of monopoly textbook development and evaluation system of college entrance that neglects grammar test. Textbook system should be reformed by adopting approval system. Teaching grammar should be changed into new paradigm extensively. It should focus on the acquisition of Standard Korean, learning of Korean orthography, revision training for proofreading, wholistic and synthetic grammar- functional approach of teaching. To students who want to be a good writer, reader and speaker, grammar teachers should provide the learning motivation and practical training.