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The changes brought about by advances in digital technologies over the past several decades have impacted all aspects of society, affecting how we communicate, access and store information, read and write, and in some ways how we view and interact with the world around the world around us. It is not surprising that these changes have had massive repercussions on a range of fields, not the least of which is education. Digital technologies are used by students in virtually all aspects of their education, and there are expectations that students be able to apply these technologies skilfully in order to complete their respective courses of study. It follows, then, that these literacies are also necessary in second language teaching and learning as well. This paper discusses the issue of digital media literacy in language teaching. It looks at the different types of literacies that are required by both teachers and learners, and considers the impact of range of language teaching approaches on the literacies they that need. It then goes on to look at how technology affects our cognition, and the implications of this for teaching and learning. The paper concludes by providing suggestions for teachers to provide adequate training for learners in a changing world.