초록 열기/닫기 버튼

지금까지 유통주체들(생산자, 생산자단체, 중도매인, 위탁도매상, 소매상, 소비자, 대량수요처)을 대상으로 꽃의 상품차별화 수단별(신품종 개발, 고품질 생산, 저온유통체계, 습식유통) 조사 결과를 요약정리해 보면 다음과 같다.

As the agriculture is commercialized, the excess supply of agricultural commodities is expanded more and more. This situation is developed in the flower industry too. Then the more farmers would like to try to cultivate the more differentiated flowers.In this article I'd like to study how the differentiated flowers are distributed. For this research I inquired directly the distributors;farmers, cooperatives, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. And the means of flower differentiation in this survey are breedimprovement, highqualification, coldchain system and moisturized distribution.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

differentiated flowers, breedimprovement, highqualification,coldchain system and moisturized distribution