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Chinese rapid economic growth can offer great opportunities for Korean agriculture as a potential export market. Hence it is very necessary of us to understand the target market beforehand. The purposes of this study were to understand Chinese fruit consumer’s purchasing behavior, particularly imported fresh fruit consumer’s, and to derive relevant export strategies. Survey had been done via direct interviews to fruit consumers in Beijing and Shanghai using questionnaire. Fresh apple and pear are the subject fruit in this study. Chinese consumer’s most favorite fruit was apple, however, pear was not the favorable one. Fruit demand elasticities with respect to income averaged 0.35, where Beijing and Shanghai consumers elasticities were respectively 0.21, 0.43. Three out of four Chinese consumers had experience to purchase imported fruit, in which high income families and Shanghai households had more experience. Women and young generations preferred imported fruit. Beijing households spent more fruits than Shanghai, yet Shanghai households spent more on imported fruit. High income families spent more on both fruit and imported fruit than other income groups. Price was considered as the most important factor when Chinese consumers purchaesd imported fruit, followed freshness and tastes. Safety did not seem to be the main concern, yet high income group concerned safety more. Chinese consumers evaluated Japanese fresh fruit-apple and pear-as relatively expensive comparing to its quality, freshness, and safety. The results showed high income group, women, and young generations may be the main target group for exporting fresh fruit. Shanghai has more potentiality as for the future market, however, currently Beijing has more purchasing power. Lower price than Japanese fruit with similar quality to Japanese fruit with will give us competitiveness in Chinese fruit market.