초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Educational corruption can be defined as “the behavior of public officials in the education sector to misuse the authority or harm the public good for personal gain.”The educational corruption in Korea is being recognized as the most pressing issue nowadays. The trends of educational corruption include illegal subsidies or bribery while the contracts or procurement-related corruptions include field trip contract corruption, school supply sales, and school construction contract corruption and lastly, the private schools suffer from corruption in private colleges, sales of teaching positions at private schools, and illegal admission issues of private elementary schools. This study examined the state of representative educational corruption trends in Korea and suggested reasons and solutions for such phenomena. The solutions for educational corruption require the preventive methods to eliminate corruption. The legal basis for prevention and the amendments or new legislations are necessary. In addition, the preventive audits and regular inspections need to occur frequently from the auditing institutions, Ministry of Education, Sciences, and Technology, and the main institutions of each city and county. Legally, the amendments of related regulations, such as the private school laws, laws for elementary and middle school, public school accounting regulations, and the private academic institution financial accounting regulations, are needed. Next, for the pre-existing cases of corruption need to be investigated thoroughly and punished appropriately with a stern decisions of the court of law. In addition, appropriate administrative actions need to be sentenced along with the criminal charges to establish a general realization that the education corruption will not be tolerated in the nation and the society.