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운서주굉(雲棲宏, Yunqi Zhuhong)이 활동했던 명대 말기는 유교엘리트인 사대부들이 개인적으로 불교신앙에 심취하여 수행생활을 하거나, 뜻이 맞는 이들이 함께 결사를 맺고 사원과 승려 등을 후원하는이른바,‘ 거사불교’운동이 활발하게 일어났던 시기였다. 운서 주굉 역시 거사들과 함께 방생결사를 조직했으며, 정토신앙과선, 도교와 불교를 융합한 수행론들을 제시했던 모습을 보여준다. 결사의 지도자인 주굉의 재해석을 통해 방생은 교의와 의식의 체계를 갖춘 구체적인 수행론이 되었으며, 결사의 구성원들은 정기적인 방생법회에서 방생 의식에 참여하는 것뿐만 아니라 평상시에도 술과 고기를 금하는 계율을 지켜야 했다. 방생결사의 구성원인 거사들은 개인적으로는 일상의 선행을 계량화한 공과표의 기록, 선정과 염불을 융합한 염불삼매를 실천하고 있었으며, 방생결사 법회에서는 염불과 주문, 방생을 통해 공덕을 실천하고 있었다. 결국 주굉이 승(僧)과 유(儒)의 정체성이 공존하고 있었던 거사들에게 제시했던 교의와 실천은 불교의 자비행과 유가적 교화행을 모두 충족시킬 수 있는 맞춤형 수행론이었다고 볼 수 있을 것이다.

In the late Ming Dynasty during Yunxi Zhuhong’s (雲棲宏) lifetime,many Confucian elite were fascinated by Buddhism. With the support of Buddhist temples and monks, these Confucian elites engaged in Buddhist cultivation practices and formed Buddhist associations with their like-minded peers. There was such a pervasive interest in these and similar Buddhist activities that the period has been characterized as a time of thriving Confucian Layperson Movements. Zhuhong, who was an active participant in these Buddhist Assemblies (particularly Societies organized to Free Living Beings),crafted a theory of self-cultivation (Praxiology) which combined Daoism and Buddhism - Pure Land and Chan (Zen). Drawing on Zhuhong’s leadership and thought, Societies for Freeing Living Beings acquired a system of teachings and rituals which served as a specific cultivation praxiology. Hence members of these societies came to uphold precepts against alcohol and meat consumption as well as participate in rituals associated with the freeing of animals at regular “Freeing of Living Beings”Assemblies. Furthermore,participating society members or Confucian Lay Buddhists tabulated each of their individual acts of merit performed throughout the day and recorded their results on an improved Merit/Demerit Table. They also performed “Nianfo/Nembutsu Samadhi”(念佛三昧) which combined practices of meditation and Buddhist invocations. And during“ Freeing of Living Beings”Assemblies, they practiced merit and virtue by performing nembutsu, chants and releasing animals. Zhuhong was, through his reinterpretations, able to craft teachings and practices which - by combining Buddhist acts of compassion and Confucian practices of edification - satisfied elite Confucian Buddhist Laymen who identified with both Buddhist and Confucian traditions.