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이 연구는 정조의 문화정책 이면에 그의 주역관이 깔려 있음을 확인하고, 그 내용이 어떠했으며, 무슨 이유로 그가 유독 『주역』에 그렇게 집착했는지, 그리고 그로부터 어떤 주목할 만한 결과가 도출되었는지에 대해 검토했다. 연구 결과 다음과 같은 점을 밝혔다. 1) 정조의 위기의식과 『주역』의 우환의식에 친화성이 있어 『주역』은 정조 경학관의 중심이 될 수 있었다. 정조는 『주역』의 괘효사 중 특히 우환의식이 강하게 드러난 이시나 이상견빙의 경계를 자주 인용했는데, 이는 정치적 위기상황에서 항시 살얼음을 밟듯 살아간 그의 불운한 삶의 반영이었다. 2) 정조는 『주역』의 네 영역을 『계사전』의 분류에 의거해 이(理) - 상(象) - 수(數) - 점(占)으로 대별했지만 실제로 이(理)와 수(數)를 중시했다. 이(理) - 수(數) 중심의 역학은 상(象)-점(占) 중심의 역학에 비해 추상적인 원리를 부각시킨 것으로, 정조의 현실세계에 대한 엄격성과 경직성의 반영이었다. 3) 정조는 만물에 내재된 태극을 중시해 이것을 자주 달에 비유하고 스스로 달이라 자임했다. 그러나 달은 태극과 달리 원본이 하나밖에 없는 것으로, 이런 태도는 그의 군주 중심적 권위주의적 사고의 반영이었다.

This research confirmed that under King Jeong-Jo's cultural policy layed his view of I-Ching, and examined how the contents of his view was, and for what reason he deeply attached to I-Ching. And also examined that from them what kind of results was derived of. The product of this study is as below. 1) There was an affinity between King Jeong-Jo's critical consciousness and the anxiety of I-Cing, so I-Ching was possible to be a center of his view of Chinese Classics. King Jeong-Jo often quoted the awakening of lean-sow or step on frost, this was a reflection of his critical and unfortunate life. 2) King Jeong-Jo though categorized I-Ching into four relm, such as Lee(理)-Shang(象)-Shu(數)-Zhem(占), he actually placed much value on Lee(理)-Shu(數). This was reflection of his strict and stiffness for real society. 3) King Jeong-Jo considered seriously of the Great Absolute which is immanent in all things, and he frequently compared it to a moon, and also pretended himself as a moon. But a moon is different from the Great Absolute in the point that the original moon is only one. Jeong-Jo's this attitude was reflection of his authoritarianism.

This research confirmed that under King Jeong-Jo's cultural policy layed his view of I-Ching, and examined how the contents of his view was, and for what reason he deeply attached to I-Ching. And also examined that from them what kind of results was derived of. The product of this study is as below. 1) There was an affinity between King Jeong-Jo's critical consciousness and the anxiety of I-Cing, so I-Ching was possible to be a center of his view of Chinese Classics. King Jeong-Jo often quoted the awakening of lean-sow or step on frost, this was a reflection of his critical and unfortunate life. 2) King Jeong-Jo though categorized I-Ching into four relm, such as Lee(理)-Shang(象)-Shu(數)-Zhem(占), he actually placed much value on Lee(理)-Shu(數). This was reflection of his strict and stiffness for real society. 3) King Jeong-Jo considered seriously of the Great Absolute which is immanent in all things, and he frequently compared it to a moon, and also pretended himself as a moon. But a moon is different from the Great Absolute in the point that the original moon is only one. Jeong-Jo's this attitude was reflection of his authoritarianism.