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본고는 15세기 초반에 편찬된 史書 「고려사」․「고려사절요」를 중심으로 하여 정몽주에 대한 인식을 살펴본 것이다. 태조․정종대와 달리 태종대에 이르러 정몽주에 대한 인식이 점차 바뀌게 된다. 그 배경에는 태종의 새로운 인재정책으로 인해서 정치세력의 변화가 주요한 요인이다. 그리고 세종대 집현전학사를 중심으로 경연에서 史書를 진강한 점도 한 요인이다. 「자치통감」과 「자치통감강목」등의 사서진강을 통하여 「고려사」의 롤모델을 찾는 과정에서 忠臣의 사례를 배우고 인식하게 된다. 이러한 인식은 「삼강행실도」를 편찬할 때 정몽주가 「충신도」에 그려진다든가, 재야에서 「포은집」을 편찬할 때 「행장」에서 그의 업적을 칭송하는 등에서 나타난다. 그러나 태종대 편찬된 「태조실록」과 세종대 편찬된 「용비어천가」에서는 정몽주를 여전히 亂臣으로 인식하고 있다. 태종이나, 세종 모두 조선 제왕의 입장에서 본다면 정몽주는 조선건국을 반대한 역적이자 난신이었던 것이다. 즉, 조선 초기 정몽주에 대한 인식은 이중적 구도라 할 수 있다. ‘난신’과 ‘충신’의 인식이 공존하고 있으며 이에 대한 완결이 「고려사」의 諸臣傳 입전이다. 특히, 반역전도 충의전도 아닌 諸臣傳의 입전은 시사하는 바가 크다. 이러한 이중적 인식은 「고려사」열전에 그대로 반영되어, 반역 죄인으로 효수된 사실과 충신으로 인정하고 그의 업적을 칭송하는 사실을 모두 함께 서술하는 결과를 가져왔다.

This paper was investigated about the perception of Jeong Mong Ju focusing on Goryeosa . Goryeosajeolyo published in the early 15th century. In the reign of King Taejong unlike King Taejo and Jungjong, it became to change the perception of Jeong Mong Ju. In the background, there was a major factor of political power change by new human resources policy of King Taejong. Another factor was giving a lecture of history in the Royal presence around the Jiphyeonjeon Scolarship in the reign of King Sejong. In the process of finding role models of Goryeosa, through Saseojingang such as Jachitonggam and Jachitonggamgangmok, the case of loyalists were studied and perceived. We could confirm these perceptions that Jeong Mong Ju was painted in Chungsindo when Samganghaengsildo was published, and his achievements were acclaimed in Haejang when Poeunjip was published. However, at Taejosillok published in the reign of King Taejong and Yongbieocheonga published in the reign of King Sejong, Jeong Mong Ju was still perceived as a traitorous servant. He was a traitorous servant and traitor opposed the founding of the Chosun from the overview of Chosun’s King such as Taejong and Sejong. Therefore, the perception of Jeong Mong Ju in the begining of Chosun was seen the dual composition coexisting the position of the Lord (traitor) and the position of servants (loyalist). And this completion was the introduction into the biographies of Goryeosa. Because of this dual perception, the biographies of Goryeosa and Goryeosajulyo were subsequently described as a traitor of Chosun and a loyalist of Korea. Also it was described his personality and achievements at the same time.

This paper was investigated about the perception of Jeong Mong Ju focusing on Goryeosa . Goryeosajeolyo published in the early 15th century. In the reign of King Taejong unlike King Taejo and Jungjong, it became to change the perception of Jeong Mong Ju. In the background, there was a major factor of political power change by new human resources policy of King Taejong. Another factor was giving a lecture of history in the Royal presence around the Jiphyeonjeon Scolarship in the reign of King Sejong. In the process of finding role models of Goryeosa, through Saseojingang such as Jachitonggam and Jachitonggamgangmok, the case of loyalists were studied and perceived. We could confirm these perceptions that Jeong Mong Ju was painted in Chungsindo when Samganghaengsildo was published, and his achievements were acclaimed in Haejang when Poeunjip was published. However, at Taejosillok published in the reign of King Taejong and Yongbieocheonga published in the reign of King Sejong, Jeong Mong Ju was still perceived as a traitorous servant. He was a traitorous servant and traitor opposed the founding of the Chosun from the overview of Chosun’s King such as Taejong and Sejong. Therefore, the perception of Jeong Mong Ju in the begining of Chosun was seen the dual composition coexisting the position of the Lord (traitor) and the position of servants (loyalist). And this completion was the introduction into the biographies of Goryeosa. Because of this dual perception, the biographies of Goryeosa and Goryeosajulyo were subsequently described as a traitor of Chosun and a loyalist of Korea. Also it was described his personality and achievements at the same time.