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본 연구는 비시장재인 자연환경자원의 방문수요함수를 화폐소득 뿐만 아니라 시 간소득을 포함하는 두 예산제약 하에서 소비자 효용극대화 선택과정으로 전개함 으로써 여가시간의 기회비용(두 라그랑지언 승수의 비율)을 내생적으로 도출하 고, 개인들의 선호와 관련된 인구통계학적 변수들의 함수로 나타내었다. 새만금 방조제의 완성으로 영향을 받을 것으로 예상되는 변산반도 국립공원 방문자들을 대상으로 실시된 방문지점 설문조사 자료를 사용하여, 방문수요함수와 여가시간 의 가치함수를 결합추정하였다. 실증분석 결과 방문수요함수와 여가시간 가치함 수에 포함된 대부분의 변수들이 통계적으로 유의하였다. 국립공원 방문수요행동 에 함축된 여가시간에 대한 가치는 취업자들의 경우 시장임금율의 55%정도였고, 비취업자들도 여가시간에 대해 시장임금율의 20%정도의 잠재적 가치를 부여하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 방문자들이 변산반도 국립공원 1회 방문을 통하여 느끼는 소비자 잉여는 여가시간의 가치의 포함여부에 따라 31,500원과 56,700원 으로 통계적으로 유의하게 차이가 났다.

This paper is to estimate values of leisure time revealed by recreational demand choices for natural resources such as national parks. Marginal value of leisure time can be endogenously derived as a ratio of two Lagrange multipliers in the process of solving a utility-consistent model of choice subject to two constraints(both money and time budgets). Both recreational demand function and value of leisure time, which was specified as a function of individual characteristics, were jointly estimated in an application to Byunsan Peninsula National Park near the Saemankum area. The value of leisure time was measured to be about 55% of market wage for workers and about 20% for non-workers. Moreover, consumer surplus per visit was higher when value of leisure time was incorporated explicitly. The empirical approach can be applied with only minor additions to conventional survey techniques for nonmarket valuation.

This paper is to estimate values of leisure time revealed by recreational demand choices for natural resources such as national parks. Marginal value of leisure time can be endogenously derived as a ratio of two Lagrange multipliers in the process of solving a utility-consistent model of choice subject to two constraints(both money and time budgets). Both recreational demand function and value of leisure time, which was specified as a function of individual characteristics, were jointly estimated in an application to Byunsan Peninsula National Park near the Saemankum area. The value of leisure time was measured to be about 55% of market wage for workers and about 20% for non-workers. Moreover, consumer surplus per visit was higher when value of leisure time was incorporated explicitly. The empirical approach can be applied with only minor additions to conventional survey techniques for nonmarket valuation.