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지방증식증은 점막하층에 지방세포의 미만성 침착을 보이는 질환으로 대부분 대장, 직장, 회맹판에서 발생하여 임상증상을 나타내는 질환으로 과거 ‘지방종증’ 또는 ‘지방종성 비후’로 불렸다. 본 증례에서는 건강 검진에서 발견된 위의 용종성 병변에 대하여 용종절제술 시행 후 지방증식증으로 밝혀진 예로, 점막하 종양의 감별진단에 포함되어야 할 것으로 생각한다.

Lipohyperplasia is a lesion characterized by diffuse infiltration of lipocyte in the submucosal layer, which was formally known as 'lipomatosis' or 'lipomatous hyperplasia'. Lipohyperplasia is distinguished from lipoma, the former is not encapsulated and has normal mucosa. Most of lipohyperplasia developed at the ileocecal valve, showed clinical manifestation of abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, intestinal intussuception and intestinal obstruction. We experienced a case of a 45-year-old woman who had polypoid lipohyperplasia of the stomach. Her chief complaint was recurrent epigastric discomfort. Endoscopic finding was a 10 9 mm sized polypoid lesion in the anterior wall of lower body of the stomach. Endoscopic polypectomy was performed and the histological examination revealed infiltration of lipocyte in the submucosal layer. (Korean J Gastrointest Endosc 2002;25:34-37)