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A Study on Kim Suhang's PoetryAn Mal-suk*攀* A professor of Dong Myung College.攀攀Mun-Gok Kim Su-hang(1629~1689) is one of the most famous scholars and officials in the middle period of Choseon, who experienced political rise and fall through the faction politics. Kim Su-hang, who was born in a renowned family, was taught by Cheong-Eum Kim Sang-heon, his grandfather, and was acknowledged as one of the greatest scholars from his young days. He became a prime minister in the political crisis. In this thesis, I classified Kim Su-hang's poetry into several categories, such as poems of sightseeing tour, mission and exile and studied on the characteristics of his poetry.Kim Su-hang wrote poems with a serene and graceful style without brilliant rhetorical techniques and excessive emotional exposure. His poetry give readers the impression that they watch paintings in Indian ink.He had a profound knowledge of classics, because he was a scholar- official who once held a post of Dae-je-hak. With his broad and deep knowledge on classics, he often cited phrases from classics on his poems. From his poetry, we can find his faith in keeping the basic attitudes as a civil minister. It makes him a typical literary man of Kwan-Gak, which means a literary man who held a post of Dae-je-hak.